
My ex is having a baby, why do i care so much? ?

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I'm pregnant now with my first child. The same day i announced my pregnancy, i found out my ex-fiance and his girlfriend were expecting also.

When I was with him we tried for almost a year to have a baby, and I believe that's part of what led to our breakup.

well, now i feel somewhat frustrated. I don't know why though. I'm not jealous. That guy treated me like ****, and the man I'm with now is my prince. I'm glad now I never got pregnant with his child, but why do i feel so upset about this news? i feel like he's stealing my spotlight for some dumb reason

I thought for sure I was over him, but could i not be? help. why do i feel like this? what do i do to just let it go?

polite answers only please.I know i just need to get over it, but that's harder than it sounds.




  1. i dont think you're jealous.

    you are probably curious as to why you couldn't concieve when you were with him

    good luck with getting over him

  2. just be happy you didnt have a baby with him even though you want too

    if met your prince be happy

    he probably just trying to steal your thunder

  3. I know how you feel! Almost the same thing happened to me. Just try to focus on your new man and the baby to be. Start picking out choices for nursery. Pick a boy and a girl theme or neutral if you're not seeing the s*x of the baby. Do things with your honey so you can keep on being reminded of how much you are head over heels in love with him. Do nice things for him just because. All of these things should just keep your mind off the ex and on your new family. And by the time your baby comes you won't even care his will be coming too! maybe you'll even learn to just be happy for yourself and be happy for him.

  4. Its a hard situation. My twin sister went through the same thing when her ex got his girlfriend pregnant around the same time she got pregnant. I guess time is the best thing, remember you are probably emotional right now and have a lot of different things going on in your life. Focus on your baby and your new relationship and try not to dwell on that part of your life, remember it's in the past and should stay there. Enjoy your pregnancy, good luck

  5. I dont think its your not over him I think its that he was a jerk and your like why does he get the same blessing as me? its more of a hate/dislike thing to me

  6. First of all huge huge congratulations on your pregnancy, congrats also on having a supportive partner to cherish you and your child when your baby arrives.  

    Now, to answer your question... Yes you are over your ex.  It is only natural to have the feelings that you are experiencing, because you obviously had a very strong bond with your ex so much so that you actually tried to conceive for so long.  But look at it this way... you have now, the "prince" in your life, who has given you a blessing that is growing inside of you right now! This baby will have your prince's gene's, it will grow up within a loving home with two parents that love each other very very much.  But you are right, you do need to move on, forget about your ex, if anything congratulate them on their impending parenthood  - be the bigger person - you be the one to say congrats smile broadly rub your tummy to show your bump in front of him and walk away smiling knowing you will never have to suffer at the hands of him again.

  7. I think you are over him. You have a right to wonder why it didn't happen when you were together but it sounds like it was a good thing. Just concentrate on taking care of yourself and you baby-to-be and let him worry about himself and his.

  8. thats probably why u are upset, cuz u feel like he is takin the spotlight. and its probably upsettin u cuz he was ur fiance and you both were tyin for a baby for a whole year, thats a long time trying. its ok, if anyone else is rude, dont listen to them. if u still had any feelings for him whatsoever, u wouldnt have moved on with another guy, and u wouldnt have gotten pregnant and be expecting a beautiful bundle of joy. forget him, ur baby will be cuter:)

  9. i had the same problem with my friends 13 year old girl friend who found out she was 5 months pregnant when i was 3 months i was 17 and i felt like she was stealing my spot light it didn't help that she was a witch about it. i finally just started to laugh about it. when i went to the hospital at 28 weeks with complications and preterm labor the day i checked out (and she found out) an HOUR later she went in with "contractions" the nurses told her bf shes faking. she had been in there 5 times before with them and the machine picked up nothing. just remember your going to be happy with your baby. he can go off and be with his baby... or ends up in a custody battle cause he's a loser drug-addicted jerk . good luck ^^

    edit: near the end no one really cared about her pregnancy anymore because it was false alarms and witchiness.  just be nice and  don't start a war.

  10. Im actually going thru a similar situation except im the other girl.  My boyfriends ex fiance is pregnant as well (shes a couple months ahead of me)  When he found out she was prego (before we got prego) I saw in his phone where he sent her a text saying "im happy for you but deep down I kinda wish it was my baby"  It tore me up!  She treated him like c**p...cheated on him and was addicted to drugs!  He wouldnt take her back and I know that and his mother likes her but doesnt think shes good for my bf.  We were trying to have a baby or well we wernt trying to prevent it when all of this went down and he even wanted to stop trying for a while and his excuse was so ppl wouldnt think we got prego b/c she did.  We ended up prego a couple months later and she cried when he told her.  I know its b/c hes the only guy that ever gave a c**p about her and was good to her.  He baby also has no father either.  I ended up being her friend b/c I felt bad for her and she needed someone decent who wasnt a party animal like her other friends.  They both would never take each other back b/c thats just not the rel they have but they were a little hurt b/c it means they are both truely moving on even tho they pretty much had.  They once shared a connection so of course it bothered them even tho they both knew they would never get back together. Your not jealous its just b/c you once shared a connection and even tried to have a baby together!

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