
My ex left me for another girl but still says he want to be with me?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my ex boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now becasue i found out he was cheating on me for the past year with some girl he meet at his old job. She is married and has 2 kids. He was living 2 lifes. Telling me he had a night job and would go see her @ night. I found out like to weeks ago about this girl (she called me and told me every thing). He left our 3year relationship to be with her. She text me all the time telling me that they are in love and if he still call me and to leave him alone or else. He called like 2days ago and has been calling me ever since saying he dose not want to be with her that he made a mistake and wants to work things out with me. But I don't know if i should belive in his words anymore. He told me that he is still living with her because he has no place to go and that he can't leave her because he owes her money and she crazy. He said if he leave her just like that she going to come after me and do same thing to my car. She know where we lived.So to give him time to break it off esay with her. I don't know what to think any more. I'm so confuse i still love him. In our whole relationship i was really mean to him. Treated him so bad so i can of blam myself for him finding another girl. This girl after finding out about me and every thing get his named tattooed on her. I know i should it belive him. What if i wait and he never leave her like he wont leave me. i want to be leave him but i don't think i can. How do i say goodbye to 3 years.




  1. You know he is fully capable of telling you long and sustained lies - that's how he conducted the affair, so why believe anything that comes out of his mouth? No girl, there is no reason why you should believe him.

    HE IS STILL LIVING WITH HER! What more proof do you need that he's prepared to play the same game with the two of you, but just with the positions reversed?

    What to do? You say 'good-bye' to three wasted years, before you add another day to it. Or be prepared to waste a whole lot more, with someone unworthy of your love.

  2. There is a thing that guy's do to ex partners and its akin to an old shirt. When you clean out your draws you find an old shirt that you used to love but never wear anymore so even though you dont want it anymore its too hard to get rid of so you hang onto it just in case. What happens if you change your mind in a couple of months time and want to wear it? Are you being a safety net for him?

    If he was financially secure and was living on his own would he still have a need for you? Go to if all else fails and best of luck.  

  3. You have no choice. The guy is a loser a liar and a cheater; and what is more important is for you to find out why you would even want to keep someone like that in your life. I stopped seeing someone after five years for the same reason, once betrayed they will always do it again and ti is the supreme lie.

  4. I have read this story interesting, but often did not find a good response so it will not be able to say i very  so sorry but i can search of this quistion on my email just call me in my email >>>>>>>

  5. He wants to have his cake and eat it.  For a whole year of your relationship he was lying and cheating - with a married woman no less!  He's not a good person.  Don't believe his words.  If he really loved you he would leave her despite owing her money (and he certainly wouldn't use threats like "she will do something to YOUR car if he leaves her").  

    Don't blame yourself - if he was SO unhappy in your relationship he would have left.

    Take your time to get over him.  Stop taking his calls - even though it will hurt, but you deserve so much better than that.  Get away from the drama, let that woman have him.  He's scum anyway.

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