
My ex owe back child support and I owe back taxes will they take his taxes and apply them to what i owe?

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My ex owes back child support and I owe the IRS, he told me he received a letter stating his taxes and stimulus was taken but i haven't received either one of them yet. If child support intercepted his taxes in my behave can the IRS take them for me. Can they take money that's intended for child support? I received his income tax check last year and the year before that and I owed the same taxes those years. What happend and who should I call to see what happened? Just let me clear up something I'm not running from the IRS, I'm paying and they also take my income taxes.




  1. No. His refund will go to the child support agency and then to you.

  2. If you already have made arrangement with the IRS to pay back your taxes and you are paying timely,  then the IRS has no reason not to give you his tax refund, as they did previously. Good luck....

  3. It would appear from the information that you have provided that the hold up my be in the local agency that handles child support issues.  You should contact them.

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