
My ex tried to kill himself over me!!!?

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umm hes currently in the psy ward cause i broke up with him we dated for a year and a half and now he says if i dont get back with him when he gets out he'll kill himself for REAL!! what do i do i dont want him dead but i dont want to be with him eaither...i found someone else and im happier than ive ever been...HELP




  1. Honey you really don't need to help.  I know you feel bad for him, but you are not responsible for his actions, and you can't let yourself by forced or bullied back into a relationship with him.  I would just not get involved in the situation.  Let him get therapy or whatever he needs without you involved, because I'm not sure you trying to help would actually help.

  2. OMG that's serious I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Obviously this guy is to obsessed with you and to be honest you shouldnt feel bad. I dont mean to sound mean but if this guy is willing to hurt himself over you, then what is he capable of doing to you and your new beau? Don't go back out with him because he's trapping you. I think you need to talk to his parents or someone who can help him before he does the worst. Just be careful and try to be supportive without showing him that you want to be with him cuz then that'll drive him even more insane.

    i really hope this helped

    Good luck

  3. sounds like he can't do ANYTHING right....dump his Pansy @ss

  4. you are not to blame

    and he needs to learn that you are not responsible for his happiness

    if he is suicidal, he will finds many reasons why ending his life seems to be a good idea

    if you take on the responsibility for his happiness then all you will have is two unhappy people

  5. Don't take responsibility for HIS actions.  It is not your fault if he does end up killing himself, it's his decision and not your fault AT ALL.  I would tell someone working in the psyche ward though that he has been saying that to you.  Then, just try to forget him.  It definitely sounds like you are probably better off without him as he seems to have some psychiatric issues.

  6. He needs group therapy.  It will work wonders.  

    Be very supportive of him while he works it out though.

  7. he is obesly a pyso that has like a.d.h.d or a.d.d just talk to him and see if you two can work ill all out  

  8. Stay away from him.

  9. Him doing this is NOT your fault or your problem. He wants you to feel guilty. Don't get sucked in. You are not responsible for someone elses actions!

  10. He is a little insignificant coward that deserves no pity.

    He needs to learn some life lessons, and that will be painfull for him, but he HAS to learn.

    Dont negotiate with him, ignore him and live your life. Maybe, he will manage to live his

  11. Find some girl that you talk to sometimes but don't really like very much and set them up on a blind date. Problem solved.

  12. well you will have to call his bluff cause you cant stay with him forever.  Live your own life.

  13. Sounds like you ex is highly emotional charged over you, and wants to use guilt to try and get you back. I had a friend who tried to kill himself because he was rejected by a girl. I help talk him out of it. What your ex needs his friends or parents, someone other than you to relate with. It will help make him more stable, and going through the process of moving on.

    It sounds like you still talk to him, I suggest you cease from talking to him anymore. The discussions with him will not be fruitful, break ups are a hard thing to deal with but time will heal the wound. For your sake and his sake, it's best to avoid him.

    Remember to tell him you wish no further contact with him. He will try calling you for awhile after that, not sure if he is in personal contact with you like school or work. But he will continue to call for awhile longer, and you don't respond, he will eventually stop. If it gets too annoying, have your father or someone who can tell him with force that you desire no more communication from him.

    I wish you well!!!

  14. Your situation is unfortunate. However, your responsibility lies elsewhere and almost any action you take will become an enabling factor for further adverse mental behavior. Like you I don't want to see people I knew die, but they are responsible for themselves and live their own life...this applies to people for whom I have not pledged a lifetime of friendship. The best you should do is refer his comments to the caretakers in his psy ward for what it is worth and avoid ANY further contact...however, if you consider yourself still a friend, you might consider what those caretakers suggest.

  15. It's kind of sad that he is threatening to kill himself if you don't get back together with him.  Surely, this places you in an awkward situation.  

    You can't succumb to his threats, however.  If he is in an institution, it's because he belongs there.  Perhaps contact an administrator at the institution and inform him or her of his death threats.  

  16. I suggest that you stay away from him for your own safety and for the sake of his sanity.  He is obviously not very well at the moment and seeing you may trigger a worse reaction from him.  Ask the hospital where he is staying if they are aware that he is threatening to kill himself because of your break up, but that is about all you can do.

  17. It isn't your problem any more.

    You removed yourself from the situation when you left (or he left, it doesn't matter).

    You can send him possitive thoughts (Praying if you call it that).  You need to make sure his family (and or doctors) knows what he is threatening to do, so they can help him and watch him.

    But you need to look out for yourself.  If he is violent towards himself, he may become violent towards you.  

    Don't talk to him, don't email or im him, if he sends you a letter have it returned to sender.  Make it clear that he has no chance with you.

  18. lol. i hate those clingy obssessive people. just avoid him. cause you cant just be with him because you feel bad. he needs to face reality and get over it

  19. There really is nothing you can do but talk to him about it. It is better to confront the situations just dont say please dont do it or ill get back with u confront the situation. Tell him that it shows he really cares about you but you don't want him to risk his life!

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