
My ex wants us to be friends..but I'm not over her yet..I told her that I can't..?

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My ex wants us to be friends after our failed relationship...i told her I can't at least not now..maybe in the future but not now...she's insisting that we should be friends..but I'm not over her yet..I still love her and the thought that we will only be friends hurts me..I know i should heal myself first before getting into another kind of relationship with her.I wanted to be her friend too..but not my decision to say not now..right?




  1.'re decision is reasonable, and she's being selfish because instead of understanding that you need time to heal, she is more concerned with resolving things for herself. being friends may ease her mind....but if you've told her it's destructive to your progress, she should respect that.

  2. I suggest you do be friends, i mean what are the chances of getting back together if your not even willing to make contact with her right?...Be friends with her make her smile more make her laugh more make her enjoy every little second she's with you and maybe just maybe she can become yours again

  3. Of course your decision is right. You have the right to make decisions about your relationships with others, no matter if they've failed or were successful.

    So if you think you are not ready to be friends with her again, that's fine... You don't have to. And she has no right to push you for it. So take your time, get healed and see if being with her again (as a friend) will still make you happy or even worst than before, then make your decision and go ahead.

    Good Luck;)

  4. yes, it is your dicision. Take your time, and if she doesn´t understand, maybe it won´t be possible at all. Take care x*x

  5. you going to do what you feel to do

    & i agree on you

    you need time..she seems to be ok & now she wants to be friends with you


    WHEN you are ready then you can be!

  6. maybe its an option to be friends with her and make her laugh etc, possiblilities of you two gettin it back on then

  7. Yeah just tell her that you need some time, but make sure she knows you do want to be friends in the future.

    Good luck!

  8. Aww, that's sweet of you.

    Yeah, that's your decision. No one needs to tell you what to do. That won't make you feel better. Importantly, you have to love yourself first and focus your time on yourself. Just listen to heart and it will tell you what you want.

    What you told your ex that you are not ready to be her friend shows that you need to process your mental health. I totally understand how you feel.

    I wanted to add comment about the future relationship with her again in case you want another advise. I don't really know if it is a good idea to get her in your relationship again. But, you can get this chance. What I am suggesting... Just talk to her about your problems and work out and try to solve problem before you feel ready to have relationship again. You both might break up again for the same reasons. I know you don't want that happen again.

    I wish I could tell you that you are okay and could tell you that you will do fine. *hugs*

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