
My ex-wife came from phils,and was pregant by another male on her arrival in uk,what should i do?

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My ex-wife came from phils,and was pregant by another male on her arrival in uk,what should i do?




  1. why should that be cyour concern? it should be the least of your concerns. She is your ex wife and she got knocked up by another guy...  maybe you are still hangin on to her...

  2. Is she a citizen of the UK. If not have her visa revoked or forget it( esp if you are still supporting her)

  3. She's your ex-wife.  What is the question?  Are you somehow obligated to do something for her?  More information needed.

  4. Ignore her.. it's her life anyways.. why do you even bother?? Try living up your life by getting over it.. =]  

  5. Go about your business.

  6. Remember why she is your EX wife and simply get on with it mate. No sense living in the past otherwise your just wasting your own time. If she got knocked up by another guy then thats her business not yours. A logical person wouldn't concern themselves in these matters simply because she was your former partner. Even if you still have feelings for her its not meant to be your concern as I would imagine she wasn't thinking about your feelings when she was getting it on with another guy right?  

  7. get over her and enjoy your life...

  8. EX-Wife???????

  9. marry her again and be a father to her unborn kid.

  10. she is your EX WIFE you don't have to do anything. If she is your wife then that is another story.

  11. She is your "ex", so whatever she does with her life. its none of  your business.

  12. ex is ex. what's wrong with that.

    if you still love her then accept the reality.  

  13. yeah, have to agree with afk.. you don't have any obligation or so with her now..

  14. I think you've already made that decision,do what feels right to you,me,I wouldn't have let her in the door!

  15. Leave her alone. She's your ex-wife, for God's sake! You have nothing that ties you two to each other anymore. She's moved on. So you need to move on, too.

  16. what's the worry?

    tell her, good luck with her husband and the baby..

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