
My ex wont pay his court ordered child support, do I have any options?

by  |  earlier

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He was ordered to pay in April, $60 a week, for our son. He has yet to pay anything. He currently owes over $1000. We live in Illinois, he works a cash job so they can't take it out of his paycheck, and he hasn't filed a tax return in 5 years, so I can't wait for his tax return. He owes the IRS money anyway. He also owes over $5000 in past due support for his other son. Is there anything I can do while I wait for the state to take action? I'd like to see him in jail or something. He can still buy his cigarettes and pot and support his girlfirends two kids. I don't let my son see him becasue I don't care for his lifestyle but he still needs to support his son.




  1. What Roz said is right.  He is in contempt of court.  You can have him arrested.  You can also turn him and his employer in for paying him under the table in an effort to avoid taxes.

  2. He's in contempt of court, he not only will have to pay, but will do some time if he doesn't ante up.

    Who was the Judge? Contact his/her office.

  3.    He has to be 6 months in arrears before they will do anything to him.  Even if he pays $1 in that 6 months, they won't do anything to him.  Just so you are aware.  Most states have inacted a law that they will take the driver's license of a deadbeat dad.  So wait the 6 months and then start the court process.  A lot of court systems have forms where you can file your own contempt of court charges, so it shouldn't cost you much.  On another note, what is the point of him going to jail?  If he's in jail, you definitely won't be getting any child support.  Don't let your anger towards him misdirect your energies.  Stay focused on getting the support money.  If he wants to support a girlfriend and her kids, that's his business.  Sounds like she's getting the raw end of the deal if she has to put up with him, so don't let it get to you.

  4. Have him arrested.

    If he's looking at jail, he'll be much more interested in paying up.

  5. Contact your local District Attorney Family Support Unit.

  6. Contact your local child support enforcement office.  You may have to be the squeaky wheel on this to get some attention to your case.  Each child support case worker has several hundred cases assigned at any given time.

    This loser is violating a court order.  In an ideal world, his sorry self would be in jail for contempt of court.  However, many counties' jails are overcrowded and judges are reluctant to put deadbeats in jail.  He can lose his drivers license.

    Push this, and keeping pushing hard, until he pays every cent he owes your child.  

    I would hope that every woman would do a background check before taking the relationship to the next level.  If he does not pay support for one person's child, he is not likely to support yours.

  7. Not much you can do you can keep contacting the court the case worker they can hold him in contempt or order him to get a job

    it is a long drawn out process

    I had to deal with that my children's father was $23,000 in arrears before I saw one penny

    He still owes it....

  8. just take him to court

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