
My exboyfriends friends are jerks?

by  |  earlier

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I went out with this boy and he and his friends used to be so nice to me. but the day i broke up with him his friends became absolute jerks and so did he. today one of his friends called me fat but i am FARRRR from it and someone once called me anorexic but i am not. idk what to do and they are complete jerks. Help me!




  1. wow you are right. They are jerks. PPL are so mean sometimes. I dont understand it either, but if you can, dont let them know they are bugging you. THen they wont get any enjoyment out of it and will leave you alone. Good luck hang in there

  2. Ignore them.

  3. Just tell him to kiss off. You are your own person and all that should matter is how you feel about yourself. I would say bad mouth him but I don't recommend stooping to their level. Just hold your head up high and remember that if all they can do when they see you is make fun of you then they must have pretty boring lives.

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