
My extremely conservative sister from Iowa keeps bombarding me with e-mails slamming Oboma.?

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Will someone please send me some simiilar e-mails that are circulating about McCain so that I can send them to her?




  1. You can block her e-mail address.

  2. 1.  Ask her to stop sending the e-mails

    2.  Delete without reading

    3.  Block her

  3. Hit her with the FACTS. Check out and to debunk the LIES she's sending you. TRUTH is like Kryptonite to Republicans.

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

  4. I understand your pain. My in-laws like to play the same silly game. Ignoring them is the best way to handle this, because after November, they'll be too busy crying to send you anymore emails.

  5. Emails slamming McCain?

    McCain always look like he's about to pee when he's on stage.

    He's old.

    He gave up his soul to be president.

    He knows how to win wars. Yeah, I guess that's why you got captured in the Civil War.

    He's boring.

    But , really he's a great guy. But I'm voting Obama. One great alternative is to delete all her emails and next time you visit her, tell her to shut up 'cause your sister sounds really annoying.

  6. ok i'm a conservitive and it seams like no one else will say it so i will. shure Mccain is old so what that just means more experience. u say we are rasist for hateing (yes i hate) Oboma. we arn't! i hate him not becuse he is black but becuse he is a comunist. his policys will lead this contry in a downword spiral in to a dictatorship. also if u don't want the e-mails block her but befor you do tell her that she is corect on every frount. obomas paster is anti-american. his wife is soshalist. there is alot rong with that man and his campain. the only reson he got this far is becuse the medea LOVES him, he is an expert FLIP FLOPER, and he is black. they say not to bring rase into the campain but if oboma was white hiary would be in here place and then i still be mad cus she has her own problems. shere McCain has his falts but for every 1 he has oboama has 80! P.S. ya i cling 2 guns and my Bible but i have that right and you right that i'm biter becuse or the sico left wing librals are in control of the government and will not let me use my constituthatnal rights.

    Vote McCain

    & Drill Anwar

  7. See if you can find anything that proves her e-mails otherwise, some of it may be true and you will learn more about who you are supporting, if it is false give her the facts and tell her to check what she sends before sending it. I'm a Mccain supporter but that doesnt mean I think everything in those e-mails against Obama are true

    Mccain '08!  

  8. You can't win.

    The people that distribute these e-mails are clinging to their guns, bibles. racist views and talk radio. They don't have time to get to the truth.

  9. So don't read them.  Just hit the "Delete" button.  Tell your sister very nicely that you don't need her emails to help you make up your mind and that you won't read anything else she sends.

    Don't bother trying to send anything back to her.  None of those emails make a danged bit of difference in the long run.

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