I shape my eye brows with tweezers and they have been looking really good. I have one problem though. I just got this eye brow shaper battery powered razor thing to get rid of a few excess hairs under my eye brows and in between them. The problem is I accidentally shaved part of my eye brow off. It wasn't that much, but it is enough that you can notice it. And, no, I am not doing it to the other side because that would just look stupid. Tomorrow is the 2nd day of school and I'm a freshman, and I really don't want to go to school looking like this. I put a little eye liner on it, and it is not the exact color, but it is close enough, and you can really tell with the eyeliner on wher my eye brow should be. There is still a little hair left, so it blends in. Is that all I can do, or is there something else I can do too. The hair should grow back withing a week or two, so its not that big of a deal, but it looks pretty bad. I did exactly what my mom said I would do. She wanted to do it on me the first time, but I didn't want her to, so while she wasn't home, I did it, and she said that i would accidentally cut a part of it off, and look what I did. Oh well, it is just one of those stupid mistakes. Is there anything else I can do though other that use eyeliner of mascara?