
My eye color changes- And it's ruining my life?

by  |  earlier

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In my family, our eyes change color. My sisters have all got light green eyes with a mixture of brown. (So, basically hazel) And there's will change from green to brown and vise versa.

However, with me, I was born with blue eyes with a mixture of brown. But my blue is like a deep deep blue. An ocean blue. With brown in it. It's very weird. And mine will change from my dark deep blue eyes to a dark brown and vise versa. However, whenever they change to brown I just wear blue colored contacts and they're like my usual eye color. I take them off when they go back to being blue.

So, hazel is either brown & green or brown & blue. This one boy I've been "seeing" loves my eyes. And so does his mom. He asked if my eyes were real, and I told him "yes" because at that time they were my natural blue.But I'm afraid one day if they turn brown, and he sees me taking off my colored contacts and thinks I was lying to him the whole time. Mine are blue and brown. It's very weird and I hate them.




  1. I dont understand why you're scared about him knowing?

    Loads of peoples eyes colour changes...some people have one eye one colour and another a different colour so I really wouldn't worry about it!

    Your boyfriend obviously likes you for you, not your eye colour! And you never know..he might find it cute and quirky!

  2. Well, first off what makes your eyes change color? If you are like me you have what I call "chameleon eyes". My eyes take on the color of the shirt that I am wearing. Within reason that is - I can't wear a pink or red shirt and have it change but baby blue, dark blue, green, some brown shades...... my eyes can mimic. If you know what makes your eyes change then make it happen in front of him. He wont be mad he will probably think it is pretty cool. Even if you cannot make it happen on command so to speak, don't fret pet. He should not get mad about that anyway. Wait for it to happen then show him. You definitely should not feel guilty about it. Even if you had flat out lied he should be understanding about it. I have had girls tell me that it's their natural color when it is not. It is just a little white lie when it happens. No big deal if you ask me.

  3. Why wear contacts to change your eye color. Your eyes are a very small part of what you are. Your eyes do help to make you unique and special. Enjoy what God has given you.

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