
My eye doctor (ophthalmologist) has just diagnosed me Bufferitis.Is there anything you can tell me about it?

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I have something in my right eye called Bufferitis.My doc has prescribed me some meds and some type of eye cream steroids and it is working very very slowly but does seem to help minimally.

I have never had this condition before until a few months ago.Is there anyone else out there that may have experienced this condition as well and maybe be able to give me a few extra tips on care and treatmeant?Thanks a million if you can help!!




  1. LOL...I went to the trouble of finding this link for you...then when I got back, there was already an here is the link anyway.

  2. I think you have the diagnosis misspelled a little bit.

    I believe it's called " Blepharitis "

    Should make it easier for you to find information about it.

    Good eyelid care is usually sufficient for treatment. Until this condition is cleared, you should refrain from using eye makeup or wearing contact lenses. Daily eyelid care may be required after the initial episode has cleared.

        * Apply warm compresses to your eyes for 10-20 minutes 4 times per day to cleanse them and to reduce discomfort. Using a clean wash towel for each cleansing is important. Be careful to avoid rubbing or scratching your eyes.

        * Using a cotton swab, carefully clean the lid margins with a dilute baby shampoo or a baby body wash solution in the morning and at bedtime.

        * Artificial tears are also helpful.

    Medical Treatment

    The cornerstone of therapy is good eyelid hygiene.

    You may be prescribed a topical antibiotic if your ophthalmologist believes that you have an infectious form of blepharitis. Occasional blurriness may occur after eyedrops or ointments are placed in your eyes. This should clear up quickly.

    Resistant cases of blepharitis may need oral antibiotics.

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