
My eye doctor says my eye nerves are pale.?

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What does this mean?




  1. go out and get some sun dude!

  2. It could mean nothing.

    Or it could mean optic atrophy, a horrible condition in which you can actually lose your vision. I recommend another visit to the eye doctor, so he can explain exactly what he meant.

  3. Very little, on its own.

    The appearance of the back of an eye can be very variable and be well away from the average but still be normal.

    But if the region where your optic nerves enter the eye (the optic discs) is paler than the average it would be normal to do extra or repeat tests to make sure your eyes are healthy and that this appearance is normal *for you*.

    Pale optic discs can indicate an inadequate blood supply and or loss of nerve fibres, which can be picked up by examining the peripheral vision (flashing-light "field" tests.)

    and with some other modern techniques.

    Pale optic discs can be a pointer to glaucoma, so a double check on the eye's internal presssures would also be a normal precaution.

    If any of the other findings are at all abnormal, further investigation as to the cause would follow.

    There would be a problem, but they'd be on to it.

    If everything else checked out ok, you'd just be a bit off the average.  Most people are: that 's how they put averages together.

  4. You need to see a doctor who specializes in the brain's connection to the eyes, called a 'neuro-ophthalmologist' who can tell you what is going on.

    Don't panic yet, but definitely call your current dr's office for a referral, if you don't have a follow-up appointment with him already.

  5. Why did u not ask the docter that..

    I mean thats why he there for init!

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