
My eye/eyelid....?

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This morning my eye/eyelid was hurting really bad and it still does but I don't know what it is. This has happened before. It feels like a bruise but there is nothing there. It's on the outside corner of my eye/eyelid. It also hurts to blink. Please Help




  1. If there is nothing there on the outside of your eyelid then it must be under the skin it may be what is known as a blind boil, or it may be a boil or a sty coming to a head on the eye side of the lid. I wouldn't bother with a doctor, go and

    see your local chemist who will prescribe something over the counter.

  2. It's a stye put so put a warn washcloth on your eye keep it there on and off for  few days it should clear up if youy don't want to do that go to walmart in the eye section get some medication for a stye it says stye right on it and it has an eyeball on it.

  3. It's probably a stye.  Warm compresses should help.
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