
My eye is messed up...?

by  |  earlier

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Alright well one of my eye faces left eye faces to the left a little. In my pics u can clearly see that one eyes straight and the others like facing the wrong direction. I have a stigmatism in both eyes, the one thats faces the wrong way is worse i think thats why it is like that. My question is, is there anyway! at! all! to fix it. Id prefer something I can do on my own, but if you have other info id appreciate it greatly. thanks =D




  1. have you tried talking to an ophthalmologist about it? surgery will fix it of course but it will cost you$$$ unless you have really great health insurance. have you tried covering the good eye with a patch so it would maybe "force" the left eye to see straighter...well,l I don't know if that would work but good luck.

  2. Well I presume you wear glasses already with the Astigmatism and all, which to my understanding is to do with the shape of your eye or cornea being slightly oblong shaped instead of spherical, making things blurry! It's slightly different to just being near or far sighted. You can get Toric Contact Lenses that do a good job of helping that now. As for your left eye looking in a slightly different direction that's a different thing, and I'm not sure about fixing it, but I remember some gossip c**p somewhere about Paris Hilton having some lazy eye problem, I think she was looking into plastic surgery options but that's all I know, cost you a fortune for sure! anyway good luck and don't go pokin at it yourself or anything silly, you'll end up looking like a pirate arrrgh!

  3. At this point your only option is really surgery.  The misalignment of your eyes can be fixed by lengthening or shortening muscles that move eye to properly align the two. HOWEVER, since your eyes are not aligned they do not work together.  You may use both eyes, but not at the same time.  When you straighten the eyes, you are taking what your brain is used to seeing (one eye at a time) and suddenly changing it.  As a result you may see double vision after the surgery, and this may keep a surgeon from proceeding.  In any case, see an optometrist or an ophthamologist who can recommend a good surgeon for you to at least get a opinion from.  Hope this has helped.  Take Care.

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