
My eye is randomly scratched?

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea how it happened. I guess I rubbed it a lot.

Now it's red under the top lid.

It doesn't hurt right now. It doesn't really hurt when I have my contacts in.

Should I be concerned an go to an eye doctor? Or see if it gets worse?




  1. It would be best to not wear your contacts until it has cleared up.

    Any irritation there will just be aggravated by your lens.

    The cornea heals pretty fast usually, but can't with a lens covering it.

  2. This sounds like a sub-conjunctival hemorrhage.  The number one reason it occurs is spontaneously, or no apparent reason.  Of course it can occur with rubbing, heavy lifting, coughing, vomiting, blood-thinning medications etc.  Generally it is painless, though the eye may feel a bit full.  Cool compresses  a few times a day may help it resolve, though it tends to resolve on it's own within 7 - 10 days.  It is a bruise for all intents and purposes.  Contact lenses should not be worn until it resolves.  You should always have a pair of back-up glasses for situations such as these.  If irritation or pain occurs, or it doesn't appear to be getting better, see your doctor.

    See the following link for an example of what it looks like to see if yours compares:

  3. It is really not good  in life to have "contacts INSTEAD of glasses" You really should have both. Wearing your contacts with an eye injury is extremely risky and can cause complications that can lead to a worse injury that can lead to blindness. Do not mess with your eye health. Go to your doctor and have them look at you and for your own sake, get some glasses to wear when your contacts are out!

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