
My eye sight is getting a little bit worse. is there any thing i can eat besides carrots?

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My eye sight is getting a little bit worse. is there any thing i can eat besides carrots?




  1. Diet may have very slight effect, but only if your diet is deficient.

    Otherwise, you will just have to accept the fact that age is creeping up on you, and get glasses or contact lenses.

    I've worn glasses since I was 10 (nearly 40 years ago) and I don't even think about them any more, the glasses are just part of me.


    ps. carrots don't work, i know, i've tryed it

  3. Sorry, but nothing you do can affect your prescription, in either a positive or negative way.

    You can't do anything to make your prescription get weaker (ie. help you see better without glasses) and neither can things like computer use make your prescription get worse.

    A lot of people worry that they will go blind if their prescription gets very strong, this cannot happen. As long as you can see well with glasses or contact lenses you are fine, the prescription is just a number, how high the number is irrelevant to the quality of your vision.

    Just have regular eye examinations to make sure your eyes are healthy and you'll be fine.

  4. One elderly person I care for says her eyes improved with eating lots of blue or purple coloured fruits, blueberries, plums, cherries, blackberries, blackcurrants etc. I have read that dark coloured greens are helpful too, and other berries and fruits like raspberries.  The same lady says her eyes got worse when she stopped eating as many.  As well as the fresh fruits, she also drinks blueberry juice and eats yogurt with fruit added.

    It can't do any harm for you to try.  You may find the same.

  5. LMAAOOOO Nooo.. i think thats just an old wifes tale tbh

    See your optician though, they will possiby prescribe glasses/ ccontacts. medication which should help it !

    Good luck though :D


  6. No.  See an optician

  7. Vitamin A is in carrots.Vitamin A prevents night blindness. If the vitamin A deficiency causing night blindness isn't corrected, it can lead to xerophthalmia, with dryness in the eyes, corneal ulcers and swollen eyelids. Also Vitamin A  is healthy for your eyes but wont make them really cured and clear. or you can get contacts or glasses.

  8. You cant eat birds !! Oh sorry just put my glasses on , CARROTS . They dont work for me !

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