
My eye still hurts, is it ok?

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When I was in Poland about 4 years ago, I bent over to pick up a fork that the girl next to me had dropped. The chairs were very close together and had tall backs with little balls on the top for decoration. When I bent over, I poked my eye with the ball of her chair. It hit hard and hurt VERY bad. I had to leave the room because my eye began to water and I felt like I had poked my eye into my head (luckily it was still in place). After some time the pain subsided, so I didn't go to a doctor. However, to this day I occasionally wake up with pain in that eye. On the days that it hurts, which is about once every few months, the pain is especially intense when I look up or the right. Why do I still have pain from it, and is my eye ok?




  1. You may have a recurrent corneal erosion. This condition stems from trauma to the eye that did not heal well. It is treatable. See an ophthalmologist.

  2. You need a true medical opinion. You may still have some residual damage, or you might have a different problem altogether and it is a coincidence that it is the same eye. I really would advise you to see an ophthalmologist as soon as you could get in.

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