
My eyes, slow to dilate or what??

by Guest65424  |  earlier

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I've gone to my optometrist for exam and new contacts and asked him about a problem I've been having ----but he found nothing he could see wrong......Sooo, what's going on? When I'm reading with the light on and I turn to turn off the light, my right eye stays restricted (I think) for a minute or two before it gets used to the darkness, whereas my left eye refocuses quickly and normally. It's like seeing thru a veil for a short time in my right eye. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does off and on. Even tho Optometrist can't find anything, something is not right. I'm very nearsighted and am 54 yrs old. Any ideas or suggestions or experiences out there? Please tell me if you are a medical expert also. Thanks a bunch




  1. Connie

    First of all, do you have a partner who can find a way to check if your pupils really are different sizes? . .  I realise this will be difficult in the dark so try it under dim light.

    Second, you should get someone to stimulate your pupils under dim light and look for the following:

    1. Shine a light on the right pupil only. It should constrict ALONG WITH the left pupil.

    2. Repeat on the left eye and again both pupils should respond.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 but this time you are checking that the pupils dilate when the light stimulus is removed.

    Your optometrist should have done this already.

    Next, get somone to hold a small target like a small light or eraser on the end of a pencil in front of you around 16 inches from your eyes. They should then move the pencil/light from left to right forcing you to move your eyes (NOT your head) to extreme positions of gaze. Your helper should also move the target along diagonals so that you stare to the 4 corners of a square.

    YOUR FRIEND is looking to check that your eyes move smoothly, in unison and that your eyelids also move together and smoothly.

    YOU are looking to check for double vision at any time i.e. you don't want any double vision.

    These two tests check that the basic nerve supply to the lids, muscles and iris (and therefore pupil) is sound as all 3 sets of structures are supplied by similar nerves.

    If your pupils, eyes or lids do not move in the manner described you should report this to an eye specialist.

    With respect to the veil, you should seek advice on whether you have some form of detachment. Serious detachments are associated with flashing lights and floaters (which you have not mentioned) - minor detachments are associated occasionally with veils.

    The mystery is why is the veil intermittent? I'm not sure but it may be due to the pupil size and/or  being near sighted.

    Hope that helps; Good luck

  2. tumor on the optical nerve or brain tumor. or hey lay off the weed.

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