
My eyes. Help me !?

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is it normal to have red veins in the white part of your eyeball? I have one red vein in my right eye and its really freaking me out. Im scared and i dont know what to do/

do any of you have red veins in your eyes and what should i do t keep them away????




  1. Here's what my eye doctor told me once: If the redness is between your conjunctiva (that red little bit in the very inner corner of either eye) and the iris, it is a sign of eye strain (too much computer work, etc), but that if the redness is all over the white of the eye, it is something else which needs looking into... perhaps pink eye, perhaps some other microbial presence in the eye. It could also be a sign of allergic reaction.

    Good luck

    PS - The labeling on any good brand of eye drops will mention the fact that, if you use them habitually, you will reach a point where your eyes will be red UNLESS you use them. A bad thing.

  2. eye drops.............. it helps keep the redness out

  3. My mom got that...................

    She went to the doctors and she found out it was from stress.......

    Hope that helps

  4. Not  normal to have a red vein, this is  called iritis,  this is assossiated  with autoimmune diseases

    read more at www  cidpusa  .org

  5. I get red veins when I'm all tired from reading or tired from a day's work.  I use EyeMo and it works for me.  In your case though, since you have just one prominent red vein, it's best to see an opthalmologist and have your eyes checked.  In the meantime, you can try EyeMo and before washing your face, try to relax your eyes first.

  6. Heya, don't worry.

    Everyone has smallish ones but if they become more noticeable then it is usually down to tiredness or stress. So try to just relax. The red veins will probably go in a while if you just try and forget about them. I'm assuming that you have not always had them like from birth because some people just have them naturally.

    good luck, becka x*x

  7. yes there are capillaries in your eyes, it is just irritated right now so stop touching it and put in some eye drops

  8. yes your eyes are bloodshot. Just put in eyedrops
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