
My eyes are always becoming unfoucused!?

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I seem to have to focus hard to get my eyes not to be blurry. This doesn't happen a lot, but when it does happen its really annoying and hard to get them to focus again. I used to wear glasses just for reading and my eyes weren't that bad at all i just used them because i used to get headaches but then i stopped wearing them and i seem to be ale to see fine and i don't have head aches so i don't no whats wrong.




  1. You have the symptoms of an uncorrected hypermetrope.

    If you have an examination, the doctor will probably prescribe and tell you to wear the glasses.

  2. The symptoms match hypermetropia (uncorrected far-sightedness), or an uncompensated phoria.(the eyes struggling somewhat to maintain coordination)

    Both could be present at the same time.

    Being able to see clearly doesn't really matter here, and neither does the absence of headache.  

    A good normal examination will be able to find out what's going on.

    Optometrist, retired.

  3. i have this and i was taken to my optician  then to my doctor then the eye hospital..

    but they just prescribed me with glasses to try for a week. now I'm fine.

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