
My eyes are drying out! Help me?

by  |  earlier

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My eyes are incredibly dry. I'm trying to read but i have to keep blinking, because they are so sore and tired. (my body isn't tired- i get enough sleep)

i keep putting in eye drops, that at one time i remember used to heal my eyes, but right now, they aren't helping at all. What is causing this and how can i fix it?




  1. my daughter had dry eyes she wears contacts but had to stop wearin them she now takes primrose oil capsules it seems to be working well.

  2. I had the same problem my eyes was so dry in they hurt .but it was because i wold wear my contact in to long at less that what my doctor she give me some eye drops for my eye call systane lubricant eye drops long lasting it really can get it at walmart for $4 or $5.

  3. I dunno but i have same problem as you. I blink fast and it hard to stop it. I stop it mostly by not thinking about it. Eye drops dont help it.

  4. Do you drink enough water? It could be dehydration. Also using the computer or reading a lot can dry out your eyes because you don't blink as often to move around the tears I think. Or sun exposure maybe- I got a 'sunburn' in my eyes once:(

    Other than that, I really don't know. Birth control pills can dry your eyes out, if you've started taking them recently that could be it. Also allergies or even the start of some eye infection or irritation from eye makeup or face products. Thats a lot of options sorry- there are lots of different things that can cause dry eyes.

    What type of eye drops are you using? They could be making your eyes worse- I don't think you're supposed to use them very often unless they are the plain kind (like saline/fake tears or whatever it is, don't use stuff like whitening drops/Visine).

    I guess stop using the drops, drink lots of water, stay away from makeup/anything near your eyes and wear sunglasses. If they don't get better in a couple days or get worse then see an eye doctor.

  5. Well, first off, what type of drops are you using?  Anything that says "gets the red out" has a vaso constrictor in it and can cause dryness to get worse.  Make sure that you are using a preservative free ARTIFICIAL TEAR.  Decrease any antihistamine usage.  Try taking a daily dose of fish oil caplets.  They can help alot.  They are a natural lubricant. You can also buy a gel to sleep in (like vaseline for the eye) Refresh pm.  (sold with eye drops)  There are lots of autoimmune diseases associated with dry eye, so if those don't help, then you should see an ophthalmologist

  6. advanced eye relief is preserved with BAK, which is very dangerous stuff. Not only is it toxic to corneas, it also seriously disturbs you tear film, making you need more drops more often and getting less and less relief.

    Buy PRESERVATIVE FREE drops like bion tears (for severe dry eye), refresh lubricant (not refresh plus. For milder dry eye) or if it's extremely severe, the thicker (but harder to see out of) refresh celluvisc.

    You MUST, absolutely MUST use single use vials of  preservative free drops.

    As to what is causing it, see an ophthalmologist and ask to have your tear production and tear breakup time tested.

    Also, visit


    I respectfully suggest against the below answerer's advice of using 'refresh pm' or 'lacri-lube' like products at night-time. There is mounting evidence that these products can actually cause build-up and make dry eyes worse. Instead, use a thick preservative free gel like 'theratears liquid gel' and, especially if you may have lid closure problems, use a well-fitting eye mask.

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