
My eyes are growing..!

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my eyes have been like really messed up since I was a kid. I had like something wrong with my pupils when I was a baby so I had surgery, but now I am 15 and my eyesight since puberty has gotten like ****** terrible.

I mean I am almost about to go legally blind here, and my eye doctor guy said it was because my eyes are growing! So can I like stop my eyes from growing? I wear contacts sometimes but still it's like d**n man I think I am, going to be blind soon cuz it just keeps gettin worse!!




  1. Legally blind means that you cannot see better than 20/200 in your best corrected eye. If your eyes are able to be corrected to 20/20 or close to it, quit your whining. I see people come in every day who don't see much at all and it ticks me off when people who can see well walk around whining about how "blind" they are. Wear glasses or contacts and grow up

  2. Youre still a teen, your eyes have to grow, its a healthy and normal thing. Just like bones, etc.

    Now, the fact that your vision is getting bad, im very sorry :( My eyes were getting bad as early as I can remember, but now that im older i belive they stopped getting bad.
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