
My eyes are not bright white, and sometimes bloodshot - Cholesterol?

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I was watching a documentary tonight that linked bright eyes to normal cholesterol levels, and I thought instantly that I've always had eyes that weren't bright (unlike my ex-gf). Until last year I've never looked after my health, but I'm only marginally overweight (according to BMI) and have no other health issues.

Is it something to worry about, or do something about, or do some people just have brighter eyes than others?




  1. There is no association between bright eyes and "normal cholesterol levels."

    In fact, dangerously elevated cholesterol can cause a white ring to be visible around the peripheral aspect of the colored part of your eye, arguably brightening them.  Its called arcus.

  2. My eyes are the same way, and my cholesterol is fine.  It's probably just one of those individual differences.

  3. Do you wear contacts?  I noticed that my eyes tend to be bloodshot sometimes when I wear contacts, but are fine when I wear glasses.  Just check with your eye doctor.  I have normal cholesterol but find that my eyes get tired and red sometimes.

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