
My eyes are red, painful, swollen, produce discharge, and sensitive to light?

by Guest66181  |  earlier

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WHAT is it!?

i THINK it is Dry Eye Syndrome

but im not sure.

i cant even open my eyes. please help me




  1. sounds like pink eye to me--see your doctor--it is contagious

  2. ...... go to the doctor.  really. the longer you wait, the worse it will get. it may be a really bad infection. pink eye to the extreame

  3. It's conjunctivitis.

    You can buy anti-bacterial eye drops made for conjunctivitis from a pharmacy/chemist. You will use them every few hours for a few days until the infection clears up.

    DON'T wear your contact lenses until your eyes are ok again.

    Eye infections are very common in contact lens wearers because it's so easy for bacteria to get on them and go straight into your eye and infect them, which is why cleaning them is so important.

    The bacteria under the lens comes into contact with your eye and stays there as it is trapped under the lens, where the bacteria grows, spreads and infects.  

  4. pink eye.

  5. mayve you got something under your contact

    its happened to me

  6. kind of sounds like pink eye..go to doc

  7. Why are you sure that it is NOT pink eye?  Has a doctor told you this or have you had this infection or pink eye before?

    It sure sounds like pink eye.

    Pink eye (conjuctivitis) typically produces discharge, causes light sensitivity and as a result of both of those it is difficult to open your eyes.

    Either way, here are a few things you should do:

    1.  Go to the doctor first thing tomorrow or tonight if possible.

    2.  Change your pillow case and sheets too and wash them in hot water with detergent and bleach.

    3.  Use a new washcloth on your face everyday.

    4.  Do NOT touch your eyes unless you wash your hands immediately.

    5.  Do NOT put any meds in them until you get an official diagnosis.

    6.  Do NOT wear your contacts until this is cleared up or a doctor approves.

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