
My eyes changed from blue to green and was told I have strabismus in one eye around the same time. Help..?

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Since I was a baby I've had very blue eyes. When I was a teenager they would sometimes change to green if I wore certain colors but would always go back to blue. I am 21 and for the past 4 months they have become completely green all the time. Also all of a sudden around the same time ( 3-4 months ago) one of my eyes became (slightly but still noticeably) higher than the other eye and the eye doctor told me I have strabismus in my right eye and recently my vision seems a bit worse and there are floaters as well. I've never had any eye problems before this. I am wondering if anyone could help tell me if they have heard of this or anything that could help. Thank You!




  1. go see an optometrist that specializes in binocular vision.  they are trained to give you vision therapy if needed.  it is rare that a strabismus will develop when you are 21...and a verticle strabismus is even more rare.  your visual acuity may be decreasing b/c of the strabismus issue or wahtever that may be.  

    seeing floaters is perfectly normal, especially if you are looking up at the sky or at a blank wall.  at 21, you shouldn't be concerned about floaters unless you've had sudden trauma to the eye or a very significant amount of floaters appear one day.

  2. Is the vision in your drifting eye definitely getting worse? If yes, I believe that you may have developed amblyopia (also known as lazy eye).

    Now, has your eye doctor suggested surgery? Or even vision therapy? Ask your eye doctor about the treatment options for you. If your eye doctor will only recommend surgery, find one that knows about vision therapy.

    The problem with surgery is that it will not correct your eyesight in the lazy eye at all, and doesn't always work. I had that surgery for my lazy eye at 2 years old, and by age 7, my eye was drifting out again. But, vision therapy is a lot of work and quite expensive. Make sure you find out about both before making a decision.

    If you do indeed have strabismus, the surgery may be an option for you. But, if you have developed amblyopia, I truly recommend not getting the surgery!

    Go to your eye doctor and figure out a treatment plan!

    Also, the changing colours of your eyes is completely a coincidence. It has nothing to do with your strabismus.

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