
My eyes feel weird?

by  |  earlier

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well this week ive been having my half yearly tests at school and my eyes have been getting used a lot more. i have glasses that the eye doctor guy told me to use for reading and other close-ish things but yeh i dont wear them much and today my right eye is hurting and its blurry. i dont know what to do i dont want to go to the doctor or anything like that i just wanna know what it could be





  1. is the pain sort of twards the inside corner of your eye?

    that happens to me all the time. it might be your tear duct (sometimes they can swell up). you should try putting a VERY hot, wet towel on it every few hours until the pain goes away.

  2. well instead of 'not wearing them much'...maybe you should do what the doctor suggested and wear them

  3. It could be eye strain; or because this is the time of year when there is a lot of tree pollen around, it could be a slight allergy.

  4. Yeah eyeglasses may not look cool, but how cool is that hurting eye?

    The doctor told you to wear the eyeglasses for a reason:  Not to ruin your looks or devestate your social life, but because you need them.

    Most likely you have overworked the eye by constant focusing with reading.  The muscles are sore from tugging your eyeball into the correct shape to focus.  Sounds like they are taking a much needed rest.

    Let them rest.  Like you would rest any other muscle that you have strained and overworked.  If the blurry vision persists after a day or two of not straining the eyes, then see an eye doctor.
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