
My eyes have always been really dialated compared to most others, is this something to worry about?

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Also I am extremely sensitive to light, and it's hard to see outside because its too bright. And if looking into a mirror with someone else, my eyes are way more dialated than that persons eyes.....

Whats this about what does it mean, is it serious problem? Will I be blind in the future? Please help




  1. its not a problem. some people might think you are high though. that happened to me. i have really big pupils. its very annoying.

  2. The size of any given part on a human being usually follows a bell curve of size. You just happen to be statistically higher then most other people. I would suggest you wear sunglasses whenever you are in the sun because there has been some evidence that your problem may put you at higher risk for cataracts.

    But mostly don't really worry about it, its normal (unless you are taking some sort of medication) But If you are really worried go see an eye doctor.  

  3. no

  4. My daughter's eyes look dilated, not really bad but it is noticeable. She sees an Ophthalmologist once a year and he hasn't ever said anything about it. Probably a variation of normal and more common than any of us realized.

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