
My eyes.. help please!?

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I'm fourteen and short sighted. I sometimes wear glasses now and then. I sometimes notice tiny black spots on places where I look.. then when I go to look at them directly they start to move and fade away. Their so small and I only see them now and again. Also, when I'm reading the words that I'm not looking at but can still see start to go green. Then when I look at them, go back to normal.

I am SO scared! What should I do? I've told my Mum but she just says it's fine. I'm not actually sure she belives me.

Anyways any ideas on what I should do? I might go to the Opticians but decided to ask yous first. Thanks alot. xx




  1. its floaters,dust like particles freely moving in vitreous , more seen in daylight,

    its better to  get your fundus examination

  2. They are called floaters and they are completely harmless. I have them too I just try not to dwell on them. You should have your optometrist look at them just to make sure though.

  3. You have floaters. These are the shadows of bits of cells or clumps floating around in the fluid of your eye. Normal in nearsighted people. Not harmful, doesn't mean you are going blind. They are most noticable when you look at a blank wall and blink. Since they are floating, when you move your eye, they move.

    But you should get them checked out at an opthamologist or an optometrist just to reassure you and to see if anything more serious is going on, particularly if they suddenly appeared. An optician is the person who makes your glasses, don't ask them.

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