
My eyes hurt, doc didn't know what it was.?

by  |  earlier

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So yeah, it hurts on the inside/back of my eyes. I went to the doc, but he didn't know what it was. He checked my eyes with a ophthalmoscope, but didn't find any faults. I told him that I have been feeling a pressure in my nose and said it might be a sinus infection, but I haven't had any cold's or anything lately, so it isn't that he said.

Does anyone know what it might be ? Basically my eyes hurt like someone is pinching me or like a migrane/headache inside the eye.

Any thoughts? :/

I am only 16, so I am VERY afraid of becoming blind :(




  1. Does the pressure get relieved at all when you blow your nose? Could be sinus congestion, or infection. You don't have to have 'a cold' [ watery eyes, runny nose, etc ] to get a sinus infection. My first sinus infection had no other symptoms but extreme pain behind eyes, and in middle of my head.

    In order, see:

    1] ear, nose throat doc - otolaryngologist

    2] eye doc - an opthalmologist

    3] migraine etc specialist - neurologist

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