
My eyes hurt a lot. Very often.I went to 3 different eye doctors and they said nothing was wrong.?

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a very strong stabbing pain





  2. Take the spoon out of your ice tea.

  3. I can give you an answer but all i ned is yor age....

    if you are in ur teens..then ur eyes are just growing and it wont last long

    if ur an adult

    perhaps ur spendind a little tooo much time on the computer

    more bedrest

    cucumbers on eyes work too

  4. you did not have enough insurance,that is what happened..

  5. They all checked your eyes for pressure, right? Internal pressure from intraocular fluid is not good...but that's the 1st thing doctors look for.

    Do you sleep on your eyeballs? Weird question, I know, but I've noticed that with soft pillows, if you sleep with face turned to the side, sometimes the eyes are pressed into the fabric.

    Are your eyes red and irritated? Maybe you are allergic to something?

    Is there nerve damage somewhere else, such as at the back of your neck, and it's being expressed in the eyes? Nerve damage pain isn't always felt at the point of the damage.

  6. Yea, don't stare at a computer for too long, use good lighting and make sure it isn't a headache. Try taking Excedrine when it happens see if it goes away.

  7. could be migraines,

  8. what are you doing when they hurt? You may have a sensitivity to light, they may be dry, or you could have allergies that irritate the eye.

  9. You need to clarify surface itchiness, dryness, swelling pain, allergies, etc.

  10. well either there is somthing in your eye or its just your allergies because thats waht happend to me and now i have special eye drops so maybe u should go to a docter docter not a eye docter, thats what i did

  11. It could be many things. Your eyes could be drying out at night because they're not fully closed in your sleep (an optometrist told me this was one of my problems) or you could also have rheumatoid arthritis (I currently learned I have this too) and that can dry your eyes, making them hurt. Also, if you take medicines they can dry your eyes out too again making them hurt.

    However, the most common problems are looking at a computer monitor too much, sinus and allergy problems, sensitivity to light due to medicines, tendencies toward migraines, and wearing outdated glasses or contacts prescriptions. Is it your actual eyeballs or behind your eyeballs or your eyelids? If it's your eyelids that could be a whole other thing. If your eyes are strained, you can put tea bags that you have just taken out of your cup filled with hot water and cool them just a bit so as not to burn you, and lie back and set them on your closed eyelids. You can literally feel the stress and strain being sucked out into the bags. Just make sure you DO NOT BURN yourself.

  12. wElL WhAt kInD Of pAiN But u caNt aLwAyS TrUsT DoCtOrS

  13. Try not being on the computer 24/7

    or its possible you could have termites in your hosue,

    they can get in your body,

    and back of your eyes a common place for them.

    LIKE extremely.

    and not diagnosed usually soon enough.

  14. maybe you're just tired or straining them from being online too much, being in too bright or too dark environments, etc.

  15. Some questions to consider:

    Are you reading or playing on the computer with insufficient lighting?

    Are you spending more than 2 hours at a time on the computer without break?

    Do you drink less than 8 glasses of water a day?

    Do you eat a high grease diet?

    Are you often awake past 11.30pm?

    Are you eating things that you're allergic to?

    Are you compromising your sleeping time with other things?

    If yes, then there's your problem.

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