
My eyes hurt from the brightness of the computer moniter?

by  |  earlier

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I have contrast (I think?) set to 60% so its much less bright than usual.

My eyes hurt.

Is this a real problem?

Or just a temporary thing.

Will I go blind, or have eye problems? e.e




  1. I've heard a lot that computer screens are not really good for your eyes.  Try taking breaks every ten minutes, or turning your contrast down even more.

  2. Do you spend a lot of time at your computer?  This could just be a case of eye strain and you need to rest your eyes.  Lay down for a while and put a cool facecloth over your eyes.  As far as the contrast setting on your computer goes, the lighting in the room your computer is in should be soft and not as bright as the computer screen.  Put the screen in a spot where there is no glare from the windows or lights.  Sit at least 50 centimetres from the screen, and position it so that you look downward at it, at an angle of about 20 degrees.  When you're working for a steady period, take occasional breaks from the screen and relax your eyes by looking at a distance for a few minutes.

    If your eyes feel dry after a prolonged period in front of the screen, or after any other visual activity, try using an over-the-counter teardrop product containing the wetting agent polyvinyl alcohol or methyl-cellulose to soothe and moisten your eyes.

  3. Dude, my eyes hurt all the time when i look at my monitor.

    But that only usually happens if i have my lights out.

    And yes, it is in fact BAD to surf the web with your lights OFF!!

    Your corneas will get damaged.

    TRUST ME. lol

  4. Maybe take a break from using the computer.

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