
My eyes keep turning red!!! =[?

by  |  earlier

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i have contacts and every time i wear them now they turn my eyes red! and when i take out my lenses, there is gooey stuff on them. they are clean contacts! and so is the solution i keep them in. they are not old either. and i DONT keep them on that long until they get red.

HELP! ... please?





  2. simple:


    eww gooey stuff

    (throws up in mouth a lil)


  3. you could be alergic to the contacts, they could be the wrong size, or the wrong vision kind. just go to your eye doctor, and they should be able to tell you whats wrong, and fix it within minnutes! or you can just simply give them a call. not to worry! good luck. =)

  4. maybe you have a sort of reaction to it, or maybe there is something in your eyes. Or maybe it's too dry.

  5. i had these dethes before my doctor told me to wear lenses i wear it for while then i never wear it again for a year then when i go to doctor again he said that my eyes is healthy and good

  6. Maybe the contacts are causing dry eyes. I use drops that are safe to wear while you have contacts in.  It is called BLINK. When I am not wearing contacts, I use SOOTHE.  If this does not work call your doc.

  7. Theres a few things that could be wrong. Maybe you are allergic to something in the air (seasonal allergies?) and your contacts are just further irritating you. How long have you been wearing contacts? Some people are sensitive to different solutions. If you think this might be it, try to find a basic saline solution instead of contact solution. It does the same thing, it just has less additives. Sometimes, though, theres just something wrong with the contacts. If nothing seems to work, change them early. Good luck.

  8. Your contacts might've ripped when you took them off or put them on.

    So I think you should take them off and put on a new pair of contacts.

  9. maybe you have pink eye?

    are your eyes red even when you don't have your contacts in, or only when you do?

    if so, then you could have pink eye.

    but otherwise you are probably just allergic to something, like everyone else said. try keeping your contacts out for a while to prevent them from getting even more irritated, and you should probably go to the eye doctor.

  10. First of all, throw out the contacts and the lens case that you

    used to store them in because like Rachel said, I'm sure you might have CONJUNCTIVITUS! and so you don't want to continually reinfect your eyes with anything that's been tainted.

    Second of all, consult an optometrist to see if this is true (which probably is). He'll probably recommend you buy some prescription eye drops (Tobradex) to help alleviate your condition.

    Third of all, make sure you wash any towels, pillow cases, etc that may have come in contact with your eyes so as to not reinfect them.

    Otherwise, here are some tips from the Centers for Disease Control for reducing risk for eye infections:

    1. Visit your eye care provider for regular eye exams.

    2. Wear and replace contact lenses according to the schedule prescribed by your eye care provider.

    3. Remove contact lenses before any activity involving contact with water, including showering, using a hot tub, or swimming.

    4. Wash hands with soap and water. Dry your hands before handling contact lenses.

    5. Clean contact lenses according to the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions from your eye care provider.

    6. Use fresh cleaning or disinfecting solution each time lenses are cleaned and stored. Never reuse or top off old solution.

    7. Never use saline solution and rewetting drops to disinfect lenses. Neither product is an effective or approved disinfectant.

    8. Store reusable lenses in the proper storage case.

    9. Rinse storage cases with sterile contact lens solution (never use tap water) and leave open to dry after each use.

    10. Replace storage cases at least once every three months.

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