
My eyes keep watering

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I've been wearing contacts for two years and never once have I ever had a problem with them. Until 20 minutes ago. I had to get up early to go a doctors appointment and I put my contacts in and started to style my hair. Within a couple of seconds they were watering and my eyelid was become swollen. It took me a minute to get my contacts out and when I did my eyes stopped watering. I checked them but there was nothing on them. So I flushed my eyes with cool water and cleaned my contacts again before trying to put them back in. The same thing happened so I cleaned out the case this time then let them sit and waited a good ten minutes before trying again and when I did they still started watering. Why does this keep happening?




  1. there must be something wrong with your contacts, have them checked out, or buy a new one. How long have you been having them? I believe contact lenses only last for a year, at maximum.  

  2. i would go see a doctor...if u have backup glasses....i would wear them

  3. Wash it with cold water, then make it dry so well. And Close it for 10 minutes

  4. Filth and other allergic components aren't always visible to the human eye. Clean both sides of your lenses softly with your fingers and with the help of lens water. Then put your lenses in the lens boxes for at least six hours to let the lens water do its work. If it still feels uncomfortable, then it could be that you have put your lenses on with the wrong side.

    If you use hard lenses, I would recommend you to use soft lenses. At the end of each month, you need to throw away the old ones, and replace them with new ones. This way you can be certain that you start with fresh new uncontaminated lenses every month. And this way algae and other bacteria don't get the chance to flourish.

  5. Did you use a different type of contact lense to usual or try a new contact fluid?  They may have just had a little dust on them or something and there fore your eye tryed to get it out...

  6. It keeps happening because you havent chose me as best answer. =]
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