
My eyes seem cloudy sometimes when sitting at the computer at night. Why?

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I have a dim ceiling light on behind me and the bright monitor. My halogen desk lamp was bothering me. Are regular bulbs better? Thanks




  1. you're natural eye lubrication isn't enough for the environment (probably because you've been staring at your monitor for quite a long time). Make sure you rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking at something 20 feet away for 10 seconds then repeat that three times. Also, you should have a well lit computer room, your room light should be brighter than your monitor :)

  2. This is actually a syndrome called CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) which causes Eye irritation (Dry eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes)

    Blurred vision



    Neck aches

    Muscle fatigue

    This syndrome has become more frequent due to more and more people using computers at the workplace and at home.  This syndrome is not harmful, but irritating.  You can reduce this by simply adjusting the lighting in your room so that the glare is not on the computer screen and also improving your posture.

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