
My eyes seem to be dry/infected?

by  |  earlier

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This started the other day, and i'm sure it's a combination of 2 things

the first being the high winds we have had recently, and the second thing being a long day on the PC

my eyes feel slightly dry, and i've been using some optrex dry eye drops on them for the past day or so

i also started using salt water, and after using it and when i've waken up in the morning i have some stuff come out of my eyes

if i keep using the salt water/optrex will my eyes be ok in a few days?

also is dry eye a permenant thing? i've never had it before and i dunno if this is it

please help! thanks




  1. ok..if u r using lenses then it is good that u stop using it for at least 1 week. Afterwhich ask ur eye doc for advice

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