
My eyesight has improved!

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Hi everyone. Apparently my eyesight has got better. Will i still need to wear glasses full time with my new prescription? It will be -2.50 in the right and -2 in the left. Thanks!




  1. Thats good that your eysight has improved you must have been eating your carrots. However, you will still need to wear glases , but try leaving them off for an hour or so each day and see how you get on.

    Eyesight is a precious thing that we take so much for granted and it is not until our sight is under threat that we treat our eyes with the respect they deserve.

    Here are few of my tips:

    Never rub your eyes no matter what, instead buy good quality drops to refresh your eyes;

    Make sure you go to a reputable optician and not one of these cheapo's;

    Eat a well balanced diet;

    And check your blood pressure as you get older as high blood pressure can have devasting consequences on your eyes if left unchecked.

    I know all of the above to be true as I'm waiting for an operation to repair the macular of my left eye which was damaged due to unchecked high blood pressure.

  2. Yes yes. Things at a distance will still be blurry staring at about 15-20 feet.

    I'm at -3.5 in both eyes, so I've been there.

    Congrats on the improvement though! I'm a little bit jealous!

  3. Yes, you will.

  4. Not exactly, you wear them when you feel like it. good luck anyway.  

  5. Not necessarily.  You ill only need to wear glasses when you are trying to view distant objects.  I suggest not to wear glasses full-time so that your eyes get some exercise to get used to seeing objects without glasses.

    It looks like, the only defect your eyes have is lack of exercise.  The more you exercise them the better they will become.


  6. Congrats. Well my eyesight is -2 for both eyes and my doctor told me it is only necessary to use glasses when looking at things from a distance. For example, if you are in the back of the classroo at school. You shouldn't need to wear them full time.

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