
My face burns plz help!

by Guest65048  |  earlier

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i used this mask to get rid of pimples etc, and my face is burning like anything it really really hurts and my face has broken out in a rash

plz help




  1. it an allergic reaction to the mask that u used, go to your doc asap, and he will give u something for it.

  2. If your face is burning that is not a good sign! Don't use the mask again, it is too harsh for your skin. The rash should go down in a few hours... if it doesnt, go to the pharmacy and ask what you should do. They can give you a cream to soothe it and get rid of the rash. You can take an antihistamine as well! Hope this helps!

  3. you have an allergic erection to it, go see your doctor, oh but remember to put a paper bag over you head. We don't want to be scaring the little children now, do we?  

  4. Use Cortisone cream, it should relieve the itching burning.

  5. U have had a reaction. Soon it'll spread to your balls. Then they will be flat and stuff. hen you're p***s will become 1/4 inch.


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