
My face is always oily...?

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My face is always oily. Does any one knows something I could use to help it not get oily?




  1. Mary Kay sells great products for this.

    they have an oil mattifier that i have used frequently and it is great! dont know if you are a female or not...but use it before you put on your works great as a primer and it sops up all the oil...they also have an oil control lotion that is very moisturizing...without being oily...and they sell blotting sheets too that you can carry with you and use whenever you feel your face getting oily...make sure that you are washing your face every night and i recommend buying a toner...this will get rid of that excess oil over time and it gives you an even skin tone...i use nutrogena's stress control toner...its great! Hope this helps..

  2. wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser, and use an astringent. don't use any lotion with oil in it.  

  3. I have very oily skin and nothing over the counter has ever helped. No washes or products that claim they control oil, they just don't work. I have found something that really works, but you have to get a prescription for it. Its called Duac Gel and you just rub it over your skin. Its clear and really does help combat oil. It also has 5% benzol peroxide to treat pimples if you have them, if not it helps keep the oil from clogging your pores over time. I would check into it if I were you.

  4. wash your face with the hottest water you can stand every night and instead of juice or pop or milk or whatever else you drink, drink water

    your oily skin should be gone in a week or two

  5. Genetics place a large role in the amount of oil your skin produces.  Also, "oil production is nature's response to irritation – so the harsher the cleansing, the more likely the body is to respond by producing more oil."  Therefore you should avoid trying to over wash your face.  Twice a day with a gentle cleanser is appropriate.  In the fall and winter, your skin is usually drier, so you'll need a super gentle cleanser for those times.  In the spring and summer, you'll have to clean off the extra sweat, so you can opt for a stronger cleanser during those seasons.  Soap is the worst because it removes the protective fatty acids from your skin.

    You can use astringents and toners to mop up the excess oil, but remember that these effects will only be temporary.

    Depending on how old you are, you don't want to avoid moisturizers either.  Because oily skins feels slick, it seems that we don't need moisturizers or they'll make the situation worse.  This is wrong.  Oil and moisturizers are not the same thing and oil will not replace the moisture your skin loses as you age.  A light, oil feel moisturizer can be appropriate for even oily skin.

    Hope this helps,  

  6. I know proactiv has some sort of oil minimizer....I went to the mall and visited the proactiv kiosk (ask around about one in a mall near you, or look online) and the lady there mentioned it. I haven't tried it yet though, just mentioning that I know OF an oil control product. (its called "daily oil control", i'm looking at the brochure i got and it costs $23)

  7. use a nice bar of oatmeal soap. oats are very drying. you can get a nice handmade bar, or get one from the health food store:)


  8. I know it sounds crazy, but many times, oil is a sign of dryness. Huh??? Yeah. The skin is starved for moisture so produces extra oil to compensate.

    So, start with a cleanser then follow with toner. I like Proactiv. Then use a light moisturizer. Also, you can buy oil blotting pads at the store for during the day.

    For a natural remedy, try a mixture of avacado and honey. Put on your face and let it dry about 15 mins. It does wonders.

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