
My face is really swollen and ugly! [pics included] ?

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under my eyes, its really swollen. i started noticing it last december and its only gotten worse. I went to the doctor today about it and she said i look fine to her. They even did tests. I dont know what to do!! my face is ugly! am i the only one to see it? what do you think? is there anything i can do? Ice dosent work btw.




  1. First of all it really doesn't look that bad. I would go to an ear nose and throat doctor, it might have something to do with your sinuses (you could just go to your regular doctor ear nose and throat doctors just specialize in that area). My mom had the same type thing and that is what it was with her.

  2. You're not ugly!!! Here's what you should do; soak green tea bags in hot water and leave them on your eyes for 30 min a day to reduce the swelling.

    Hope it works!

  3. hmmmm there are products that can reduce the puffiness from under the eyes, i think garnier just came out with a new one, you like roll it under your eyes or something and it helps

    or i also found the below info on the internet, idk if it will helps but you could try:

    Tips for puffy eyes

    The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. When the spoons become warm, switch them with the others chilling in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

    Settle down for two to five minutes with a chilled, steeped chamomile or green tea bag over each eye. The natural properties of these herbal teas help to bring puffy eyes back down to size.

    Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and puffiness of eyes. Slice a large cucumber, reserve two slices to place over eyes. Peel and puree the remaining cucumber. This can be applied as a pack onto your face. Remove after fifteen minutes. Apply moisturiser thickly to seal in water.

    A natural and effective treatment is to use vitamin E oil and rub the oil overnight around your eyes.

    Strain the juice of grated potato and saturate cotton wool pads with it or lay the grated vegetable on the eye between the muslin. Slices of raw potato will soothe swollen eyelids and reduce swelling and puffiness.

    A drop of perfectly fresh castor oil smeared along the eyelids will also remove puffiness.

    A few egg whites stiffly beaten and applied with a brush to the face and under the eye will make the skin feel tighter and look less puffy. Add a drop or two of witch hazel, which also reduces swelling and will keep the egg whites from drying to rapidly.

    Rinse your face in cold water when you wake up or when puffy eyes attack anytime of the day to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.

    Avoid foods high in saturated fat and consume more fibre in your diet. Regularity helps move toxins out of the body, which helps control puffiness.

    Get enough sleep. If you don't, the skin surrounding your eyes is guaranteed to swell. If you're out late Saturday night, log in a few extra hours on Sunday morning. You must get 8 hours sleep daily.

    Sleep on your back with your head elevated by two pillows. This allows fluid to drain overnight instead of collecting under your eyes, causing puffiness.

  4. hmmm maybe you have allergies or a sinus infection?

    answer my friends question? its about me lawl

  5. dont worry about it it looks fine!! your not ugly.

    i think you just think you see it, so its what you see.

    kinda like skinny people who think they are super fat. its because they think they are so thats what they see.

  6. not that bad

  7. drink lots of water and take 9-10hrs of sleep..

  8. Try using eye creams/gels, especially ones with caffeine or elastin in, e.g, Garnier roll on or St. Ives eye gel. I had the same thing, although it was to do with my sinuses, ask the doctor to make sure it's not this. Also, drink lots of water and get lots of sleep!

  9. Please read all the answer.

    Ok,so im no dermatologist,but i hope i help.

    I really don't think your face is swollen up,but if you do think so,try this:

    Remember to wash your face 3 times a day (two times with acne cleansers and 1 time with regular soap).That'll keep your acne somewhat controlled.

    The products I use are neutrogena acne stress control cleanser and toner,but if you constantly change acne products,it'll help because your face won't get used to the same ingredients.


  10. I do see some puffiness under your eyes. However, it does not make you look ugly, nor does the rest of your face look swollen (maybe you should include "before" photos if you think otherwise?). I have a big problem with dark cricles and puffiness under my eyes. I recommend a cold cream at night before bed. Don't wear make-up to bed. Check to see if it's allergies. Drink more water. You can become "bloated" suring the summer if you aren't drinking enough fluids. (WATER) I'm sure that there is an answer :)

  11. if your face is swollen you are probably allergic to something so before your throat swells up you should get benedrill if that does not work you should go to the doctor  

  12. have you been taking alot of one kind of vitamin? i took 200 Mg's of vitamin D caplets, then i took centrum that had more vitamin D, and i went outside for a few hours (the sun produces vitamin D) EVERYDAY!! so i kind of overdosed on vitamin d ha. and my face was really swollen, it changed my entire shape of my face. so if  you are, just stop taking it ah ha.

  13. I don't think you look ugly. Under your eyes it is a little swollen but it is really not that big of a deal. You look fine

  14. Go back to the doctors and ask about allergies? (I know you probably don't want to.) Any who, it is most likely some sort of tree, because a tree is there all year around, and I'm guessing you have it all year around. I got to go take a shower, sorry for making this short. Later folk. (: --Nate

  15. your eyes are covered  but you look fine to  me  ,,your not ugly at all

  16. Reduce swelling directly. Eye puffiness is a type of fluid build-up (edema) in the tissues around your eyes, called the orbits. Therefore, the steps taken to reduce puffiness are similar to those taken to reduce any kind of swelling. The following are "quick fixes" to temporarily encourage fluid to drain away from under your eyes.

    Place cold cucumber slices on your eyes. It is the cold temperature that is helping rather than the product itself. The aroma, however, can be soothing and relaxing. Slice them into 1/8" discs and let them float in cool tap water for a few minutes. Shake them off well before applying to your eyes..

    Use cold, refrigerated used tea bags. Like the cucumber slices, the coolness reduces circulation, but the tea actually has a slightly astringent (tissue-shrinking) effect as well.

    For a less messy alternative, try putting 2 metal tablespoons in the fridge and use them daily by placing the backs against your eyes.

    Rinse your face in cool water and pat dry.

    Strange as it sounds, hemorrhoid cream, which is meant to reduce swelling, may work well. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. (This only works if you live in Canada. Hemorrhoid creams in the U.S. are no longer made with the active ingredient that reduces swelling.)

    Get enough sleep. If you have puffy eyes all day, it could be that you're simply not getting enough sleep, or the quality of the sleep you are getting is poor. Puffiness under the eyes is a common symptom of sleep deprivation.

    Elevate your head when you sleep. It's not unusual to have puffy eyes upon waking. A possible explanation for this may be that when you are laying down for several hours in a horizontal position and then stand up, the fluid that was resting under your eyes is suddenly being pulled down by gravity.[1] This swelling, however, should subside shortly. To reduce it, you can try elevating your head while sleeping so that the fluid is not as drastically drawn down when you get up.

    Cure puffy eyes from the inside out. Puffiness is a manifestation of excess fluid retention. By addressing your body's tendency to tuck fluid away, you may be able to indirectly reduce swelling around your eyes.

    Reduce your salt intake. A high intake of sodium may be causing you to retain more fluid, in which case reducing the salt in your diet may produce good results (not only for your eyes, but also for your health in general).

    Snack on bananas and raisins, both of which alleviate fluid retention.[2]

    Consume cabbage or cranberry juice. Both are diuretics, which will help you "evacuate" some excess fluid.[2] Don't turn to caffeine as your diuretic of choice, as it can interfere with sleep and bring back the puffiness.

    Exercise to improve circulation, which will help your body move fluid through your body, rather than letting it accumulate.

    Determine if you have any of the conditions associated with puffy eyes. Sometimes the swelling is a side effect of another condition, which is temporary, or must be treated individually.

    pregnancy - commonly associated with fluid retention

    hormonal variation in the menstrual cycle - commonly associated with fluid retention

    dermatitis - sensitive skin is more likely to swell in response to irritants

    allergies - can cause leaks in the subcutaneous capillary beds around the eyes[3]

    mononucleosis - puffy eyes may be an early symptom of infection

    medication - puffiness or water retention could be a side effect

    more serious medical conditions - see Warnings below

    Accept yourself. If you've checked with your doctor, then your puffy eyes are probably only a cosmetic issue. It happens with age, and sometimes it just happens. Learn to draw attention to other features that haven't aged, such as the color of your eyes, the curl in your hair, or your attitude towards life.

    ] TipsYou may notice that puffiness is worse in hot weather--The body is less efficient at removing fluid from tissues when it's warmer.[4]

    Alcohol and tobacco use can cause puffy eyes indirectly by affecting your sleep and hormonal cycles (among other things).

  17. When they ran the test, did they check your sodium (salt) intake, and if you were retaining water?  It kind of looks like you're swollen.  That usually comes from salty foods/snacks (also sweets) OR when you aren't taking in enough water you start storing and you get that swollen look.  (Please keep in mind that sodas and juices aren't replacements for water).

    Start drinking more water, put some cucumber slices on your eyes at night (reduces swelling), and watch how much sugar and salt you take in.

    *Good luck*

  18. How old are you?

    I knew a kid in Jr High that's face was just SWOLLEN thats just how it was then in high school it thinned out and looked great.

    I would keep checking into things, i have high cheek bones but chubby cheeks and there is nothing that i can do about it, if it really bothers you keep searching and trying different doctors.  

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