
My facility is "going green" in food service, my manager needs my help. Describe your response step by step

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My facility is "going green" in food service, my manager needs my help. Describe your response step by step




  1. in addition to what J7 said; as food service you can use recycled products, and recycle them.  Recycle all glass containers, plastic containers, and paper.  Do not use any foam products.  

    You said you're in food service, what type?  Do you serve food to the public? or a specific group?  If you do and you use disposable tableware, then ask that all items be scraped of food into the "compost going bin" and put paper products in another bin, and plastic products in yet another.

  2. You can take all the left over or wasted food an turn it into compost rather than throwing it in the trash. Which your facility can sell or donate.

    Composting is basically taking all kinds of organic waste material (food, leaves, grass, p**p, anything organic) and composting it and turning it into rich organic gardening soil conditioner or type of fertilizer.

    I don't know if it can be done in the grounds of your facility. But you basically have some composting bins outdoors in which you would use filler material (such as hay, sawdust, mulch, cut grass) to cover up the waste every time you dump it in the bin.  You can ask the landscapers to leave some of the cut grass to use as filler material.

    Its really pretty easy. Every time any waste is dumped into the bin it is covered with the filler material. Water should be poured into the bin once every week or so. Also make sure the bin is in an area that gets plenty of sun. The moisture and the sun will combine to start the composting process.

    Have you ever seen a pile of leaves smoking? That means its composting itself.

    It takes about a year after the bin is filed to complete the composting process of turning the waste into rich garden soil conditioner, at which time you would start another bin.

    If you want more detailed info you can research how to compost which is the same as composting any other organic waste. Its pretty easy once you know the process.

    Heres a link

    ...unless of course by "going green" you meant serving up more salad. Then I would suggest have more Italian dressing.

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