
My false teacher and the whole faculty ofmy school!!!!!!!!:-(?

by  |  earlier

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guys, i m really in a big problem. my english teacher is really a *****. she always give less marks to me. if i go to ask that y she has deducted my marks then she comments y u cry for marks, dont compare and bla bla bla........... i really hate her. but i have to get good marks in my pre-boards for admission in good school. i m really a short tempored man and have revolutionary ideas against injustice. i have set up my mind to ask her and flout her about the marks deducted. help what shoud i do?




  1. Okay, I have a couple of things to say in response to this.  First, I am an English teacher and I have to say that your question is so full of errors that it is actually a bit hard to understand.  Second, I have a great respect for young people who show a passion for social justice.  It makes me feel really happy to see my young students taking an interest in such important matters.  However, being short tempered does not have to be a part of that and being an advocate for social justice does not excuse being short tempered with your classmates or your teacher.  You need to calm down and be ready to be open to what this teacher has to say.  In all honesty, if the papers you turn in to her are only 1/2 as poorly written as your question was then she has some legitimate reasons to be marking you down.  You need to be ready to hear that.  Social justice is about truth and that truth must start with looking at our own short comings.  This is a place to start.

  2. lol yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  3. You can talk to her in a calm, composed reasonable manner and ask her what you can do to improve your work/grade.

    It's not personal. maybe she is trying to challenge you to be better. I know some smart kids get more attention and teachers are harder on them because they know they can do better.

  4. Based on your entry here, I'd say your English teacher is spot on in her appraisal of your quality of work.  You couldn't even write that simple paragraph correctly.

    I worry for the future of this country if this is the kind of student our schools are producing.

  5. I think that you are not objective. Think a while before you ask such kind of question. I`m a teacher and I think teachers are happier when they give good marks.they don`t like students not paying attention in the class. help your teacher, be better and try harder.You`ll see that instead of disappointment you`ll get a reward

  6. ...i have to get good marks in my pre-boards for admission in good school."

    Good grades are given to students who earn them for doing the work in an exemplary manner, not for whining about how they need them to further their educational goals.  Trying to explain to her why you need good grades is irrelevant, and she doesn't care.  Frankly, I wouldn't either.

    Rather than cry about the points you lost, why not ask her how you can do better next time?  *That* conversation will get you a lot farther than the one you're planning on having.

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