
My family don't like me anymore ?

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my family hate me and have stopped talking to me just because i told my cousin who im very close with what they were saying about her which was mean. Was i in the wrong ?? they said that they were only joking but they werent.




  1. ur family dont hate u ur just under the inprssion that they do but stop thinking about that moment and set ur mind on something else and itll all go away soon!


  2. it doesn't appear as if you've done anything wrong... sometimes family can be worse than your peers in the way that they pressure you and turn against you.  if it feels right for you side with your cousin, who cares how the rest of your family feels.  provide support for your cousin.  at this point, she should be the only family that matters.  

  3. wtf?? of course ur family likes you maby there just pissed off right now wait a week to see if it blows over

  4. In general this will blow over. tho a little problem like this can continue till a tragic event. (speaking from experience, my moms 3 sisters where not in the same room for 5 years before my grand mothers death.) but if you think that the comments where of a mean spirited nature and felt justified in revealing them then its a fair bet you did the wright thing.

  5. Well, my family have always told me that what they say should stay within the family and that it is our business only. Yes i think you were in the wrong, your family must of trusted you, and you went and betrayed that trust. I don't understand why you felt the need to tell your cousin?? Whether they were joking or not, you shouldn't of. This act is classed as 'stirring'. I don't think your family hate you, just tell them you are really sorry, and you weren't thinking.

    Sorry if I've sounded harsh, but hope I've helped :)  

  6. Family loves family unconditionally.  You were wrong for telling your cousin because their feelings got hurt.  You should have addressed the people that were talking about your cousin and told them they should be gossip ping about another family member.  

  7. They don't hate you, but they're probably mad at you right now. Your family feels embarrassed for being caught out being mean.

    So they're making a big deal about loyalty, and you've made it clear where yours lies right now.

    It's not really about right or wrong, it's all about feelings.

    It'll blow over eventually, but it's worth taking some time to think about consequences for everyone when you pass on stuff that no-one is proud of. You're not a bad guy, but you seem to be a little naive.                                                                                  

  8. Your family trusts you, that's why they joke around or purposely say mean things about other people in front of you. Next time, you should weigh out who's more important to you, your family or your cousin. It may not be wrong in your point of view, but your family probably thinks that they've been betrayed by you, and probably will not talk too much about other people in front of you. Remember, "those who mind, don't matter; those who matter, don't mind."

  9. We all gotta grow up and leave home sometime.......sounds like sometime now for you?

    Welcome to the big wide world of thinking for yourself!

  10. Why did you feel you needed to tell her?  To my view, it seems as if you made things worse between her and them, just to try to be the one who seemed better than everyone else.  In other words, this wasn't about your cousin but rather about you.

    You broke family confidence by repeating something they obviously thought they could trust you with.  You told a hurtful thing to your cousin which couldn't do anything except make her angry or hurt.  (In other words, telling her had no good, productive purpose).

    People often say things in confidence that they don't necessarily mean at a later time.  When your family said these things, they might have been tired or angry or disgruntled.  Obviously, they didn't want your cousin to know what was said.  And while what they said was wrong, there was no purpose in repeating it except to try to make yourself look better than your family.

    So, yes, you were wrong.  You should apologize to both parties and try next time to simply not share bad news with others.  It doesn't do any good and usually ends up a mess.

  11. Kill them ..... Kill them all!!

  12. wow ... just show them that you real and to not talk trash about people you close with infront of you...dont worry about it ..its not a big deal your family do like you but they just think you got to much mouth right now... my family is cool with me but deep inside they dont really like me because everytime they talk S**t i tell them they need to quit because not everyone is perfect and everyone has something wrong with them... and when my cousin tells me they were talking about me i just thank her for been real and telling me beacause now i know who is phony in the family ...who are the people that would sit there and talk about you.

  13. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell your cousin what mean things were  being said. 1. because they would hurt her feelings and serve no purpose but to do so.

    2. because it put your family in a bad light and they wouldn't be happy with that.

    What you could have done is tell them as these "jokes" were being said is that you liked your cousin and did not see the humor in it. That would have been the best way to go.

    Once we know better, we do better.

  14. Your family does not hate you but they are angry now. It will pass. Give it some time. You could have warned your cousin about some of her/his  behaviour and told her/him  that people may not like this or that people may not like that, but you shouldn't have told her/him  what people say about her. You could have told your family that they were wrong and told them that you like your cousin and don't like them to talk about your cousin. Now that's past. Find a way  for reconciliation, for them to settle the dispute. Tell your family that you are sorry that you told but you love your cousin so much, you couldn't stand it. Tell your cousin that you may have exaggerated, and that they were just joking. . Good luck.

  15. Honesty is the best policy. Sooner or later, your family will realize that what they said was wrong [hopefully] and you'll all learn from it.

    Good luck.

  16. They  don't  hate  you   they  just  dislike  you  or  now  because  you  turned  around  on  them  ,don't  worry  they  will  come  around  ,in  the  mean  time  ,stay  with  your  family  always  ,they  are  there  for  you  always,  matter  what  ,do  not  take  side  in  any  ways,specially  against  your  FAMILY.they'll  know  and  realized  when  they're wrong.

  17. When you talk about people to other people, such as they were doing themselves, all you do is fuel the fire to keep burning.  In my opinion, keep hearsay between the company conversating.  If they say they wree joking, even if you know they weren't, just let it go, and don't fuss and make yourself sick over it.  Turn the other cheek.

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