
My family+ friends want to me try out for volleyball but i think its boring. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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I've already gone to 2/3 tryout days.




  1. Well if you think volleyball is boring then you are playing the game completely wrong!! You are constantly moving and hollering all the time. you get to dive all over the floor, slam balls in other peoples faces(spikes), and have a great time with your team!! All while wearing spandex!! I absolutely love volleyball!! My team isn't very good, and we really haven't won very much over the past 4 years. But i couldn't imagine not playing. hope i convinced you to have a great time!!

  2. Well you need to keep it up. volleyball is actually really fun in a game. you cant have your mind wondering. and you gotta be quick. people say why do you need to run at practice.. because volleyball does have a lot of sudden movements. you gotta be quick and not be scared to fall on the ground. i think if you stick to iy you will like it.

  3. well i think you should give it some time,if you didn't like it well,don't do it..

  4. There's no sense doing something you don't want to do. Discuss with your friends that volleyball isn't your sport and you are not really interested in it. If they don't see your side of it, you could always "flunk" the tryouts and purposely not make the team, seeing as you have gone to most of them already.

  5. well.... if you really don't like it, you should explain to your family why you don't wanna go anymore. that's what happend to me when i didn't wanna do Crew anymore for my school.

  6. If you don't like it you won't like playing, but my experience is that if you learn about something it is no longer boring. If you really don't like it though do something else.

  7. Tell your friends that you think it's boring.  It may seem like you are a cop-out, but they should support you.  Or, you could finish tryouts and tell the coach that you just wanted to see if you could make the team, but don't have the time to commit to something  like that.

    You will be more successful in something that you enjoy.  I am really good at some sports, but they bore me to tears.  That's why I play golf.   Fun, simple, and I am good at it because of those 2 things.

  8. didn't you post a question that said you wanted your friend to play but she thinks it's boring?

  9. it is soooooo much fun stick with it and u might not even make the team i am trying out infact everyone answer it is called makeing the volleyball team? pleaz answer it

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