
My family gets annoyed with my recycling efforts?

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help! what is wrong w. my family i learned a lot at school about recycling so i have been doing a lot around our house trying to be more eco friendly and my family like gets mad or annoyed with me! what is wrong with them its so annoying bc they just think of it as me being stupid and not seeing it as important...i even put a print of an article talking about how the north pole may be ice free by this summer and they think im a "green" crazy freak! :(

how can i get them to realize its important?




  1. Recycling actually contributes to increased CO2 emissions.  It only helps lessen the trash at the dump.  Recycling requires extra trucks to transport the material to recycling plants which then sort it and melt it into reusable material.  This ADDS to the CO2 output.  Think people think.  Recycling is a business.

    Save the world! Save the children! Save yourself!  Arrgggg!  The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

  2. First disconnect your views of global warming from recycling.

    When you use global warming in your argument you are showing that you do not understand the concept of the environment. I think global warming is a complete farce, but do what I can in regards to recycling.

  3. They're probably just frustrated with of you "nagging" them to recycle.  Tell them "Fine. If you don't want to participate in helping our world go green, then don't, but don't butt in to what I'M doing to help the environment! Even if I AM a "green" crazy freak, I'm proud of it. You act like it's a bad thing when it isn't."

    Say something like that to make them feel guilty. Don't forget to say "end of discussion" when you finish talking, or else they might come up with a good comeback.

  4. I had the very same problem. And as the phrase goes 'Internet is the answer!' Dig up some info about Global Warming, recycling and about how the planet is getting destroyed. Read the information to them over dinner or another time when the family is together. If that doesent work, let it be. Do your part and thats whats imporatnt!

  5. I would tell them if they dont care, you arent up thier bottoms over it, that this is important to you so even if they do not agree, they should respect you enough to let you do it without critising you. This earth was given to us to care for and over the years we have trashed it, people like you are what has kept it from going under alot sooner. Keep up the good


  6. Try to be normal about all this recycling and "green" stuff you're into. . . they may be getting the idea that this is some weird phase for you if you're sounding too extreme right off, and just figure that you'll grow out of it in a few weeks if they ignore you.

    Start slowly, and try to just gently nudge them into what you think is right.  Most people don't like to change habits quickly.  Sure, maybe that's not going to get you immediate results. . . but you'll have a higher chance of success in the long term.  It's the long term that really matters if you're thinking about total volumes over a lifetime, anyhow.

  7. Its awesome that you are trying to save the earth!!

    but people these days don't care anymore and all they wanna do is have fun and trash the earth and they don't care who it affects.

    To persuade your family,go to you get to google type in: pictures of the ozone.At the top should be a big picture click on it,then view it in full image and print it out.Sit your family down and show them the pic. But be prepared because they will most likely question you so go on and do your research!! :)

    its great that you wanna save the earth and it cool that you wanna take a stand! And if more people don't start viewing the situation the way we do, it could be to late. :)

    i REALLY hope this helps!! :) :)

  8. Keep up with the good work. Even if your family doesn't support your efforts, maybe you can make an impact on the next generation to follow your lead.  Just remember, if people would take the same amount of energy in doing something for the Earth  instead of complaining about it , the world would be a better place.

  9. People dont seem to accept change very easily even if its in our planet the vast majority are in denial. continue with your valiant effort to save the planet and open yourself to others like the community groups that are doing the same.

    I actually just yesterday decided i am going to begin recycling in my household :)

    good timing  for us not for the planet :(

    get out into the community and meet some people like yourself it will make a great impact in your life in many aspects have fun :)

  10. Good for you!  It is going to take the efforts of people like you to change the way the rest of the world thinks--including your family.

    Just keep doing what you are doing, and ignore their snide remarks.  Hopefully, over time, they will become better-educated, and will hear more environmental ecology news from the world around them...

    It will take people like you and me, who are green-minded, to rescue the world...not everyone will EVER get on board, but we must sally forth in spite of them!

    You go, Girl!

  11. tell them global warming is coming faster than they think.

    tell them that this is something you care about and they should too. It is our world. care for it.

    go green =]

  12. Some people won't change.  I just go about my own recycling ways.  You're on the right track.

  13. just keep doing it. eventually they will give in and start recycling too because they will realize that they will start saving money lol

  14. Just stop buying things in recyclable packaging. Next time they wonder why they did not get this toy or that dozen of eggs, explain that you cannot buy it as it's packed in recyclable materials and as long as they don't recycle know :-)

  15. Don't push them.  It will only make you frustrated and more likely to give up recycling completely rather than continue to fight with them.  My wife and kids don't see why it is so important, but with time they've gotten on board.  Now they put too much in the recycling bin, and I have to sort out the non-recyclables they put in there!  

    Be patient and be ready to do what you can on your own whether they join you or not.  I think they will eventually come to see your side, but it will take some time.

  16. Recycling is not clean or saving the environment.  It reduces trash going to the landfill but that is all. When you see a big diesel truck spewing black smoke as it idles to every few houses picking up the stuff to be recycled, it should make you question: is it really worth it? The plants that actually do the recycling spew all sorts of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, is it really worth it?

    It is a business by the book and is making people money.

    If you really want to make a difference, reduce or eliminate your waste altogether, buy a car that gets 40+ mpg (or uses battery/alternative fuels) and try to use that as your tools.

    The North Pole may be free of ice due to normal heating and cooling of our planet that man has not had any impact on. One possibility is that the water underneath is heating up due to underwater volcanoes. Yet the antarctic has more and thicker ice than ever previously recorded.

  17. sit them down for a family meeting one day and voice to them your concerns. tell them you're just trying to do what you can to help save the environment from the condition that the baby boomers left it in. (aka, baby boomers is basically the generation your parents were in) tell them that if they have a problem with your trying to do your part with the earth, then they can tell it to you in a civilized manner, not by calling you a "green crazy freak". Tell them many more people than they think are doing the same, so you all must be green crazy freaks and that's okay because at least you care about the planet unlike them.

    suggest them helping out a bit, and if they don't want to, then to stop harrassing you because they can't be mad at your actions that you're doing due to your beliefs.

  18. Good for you, doing your part...

    Take them to a landfill and show them how much waste and useless trash there is out there. May change the way they think and the way they do things.

  19. I think you should listen more to your family. The Earth's climate is due to natural cycles, and even if it wasn't,you recycling wouldn't make a difference at all.

  20. Yes it is kind of stupid

    .. .. ..

    When I ride down the street and look at all the 1 to a house red 1-1/2' X 2' X 18" high recycling containers by the 5 full garbage cans that  are at 1 in 10 homes

    .. .. ..

    And then I see the collection tuck coming down the road stopping and picking up one red container to dump it in a dull rear axle garbage truck

    .. .. ..

    I kind of wonder who is in charge of this save the environment idea

    Got ta be one of the kids that was raised on playing the Nintendo game machine when they first came out

    .. .. ..

  21. Global Warming Doesn't Exist.  It's just Al Gore's way to make money and Obama's way to win.

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