
My family grows vegetables in our backyard. Do cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce need the most water?

by Guest59130  |  earlier

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My family grows vegetables in our backyard. Do cucumbers, peppers, and lettuce need the most water?




  1. Cucumbers need plenty of water to be juicy and crisp. Cucumber plants that do not get enough water produce small, bitter, deformed fruits. Soak the soils deeply during dry periods with soaker hoses or use a hand held watering wand to water the bases of the plants (not the leaves). If a sprinkler is used, water the plants in the morning so the leaves dry during the warm hours of the day. Watering at night can keep the leaves wet and encourage disease.

    Hot peppers need consistent moisture during germination. Keep hot peppers evenly moist, don't keep them soggy.

    Lettuce does not need a lot of water but it does need to be continuously moist. It is important to make sure your lettuce bed does not dry out as this will cause the lettuce to bolt and become bitter. Growing lettuce in a semi-shaded to shaded location and using a straw mulch around the plants helps retain moisture. Water lettuce with a watering wand and concentrate the water at the base of the plant, not on the leaves. Watering the leaves encourages diseases and may damage some varieties of the more delicate lettuces.

  2. Yes, cucumbers, peppers need extra water, but I think lettuce gets soggy with too much water...not real sure on that

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