
My family is driving me CRAZY ! (I'm a teen )

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Actually I'm not a reasadent under their roof ,

My grandma lives in her house ,

and I'm not allowed on the computer at my moms very offten unless its for school .

Most of the things I do on the internet are at my dads house ,

and he thinks my grandma is rude to add me .




  1. that's so horrible! they should respect your privacy and personal life that they're hacking into. just tell your friends not to add your grandma and delete her from your own friends list.  

  2. You are their teenager and are residing under their roof and on their internet so really, they do have every right to do what they please....they shouldn't invade your privacy but I don't think they realize that this is how you were going to react . . .yes you're over-reacting just a bit and no your grama shouldn't be so nosy!  You'll have your own place one day and this sort of stuff won't all I can suggest you do in the meantime is "GRIN & BARE IT"!!!!!

  3. prob their way of checking up on u...if u dont like it that much, get another account...besides, what r u hiding?

  4. oh jeez sorry that really sucks tell them u dnt like it!

  5. If i were you, i'd be furious! i would definitely not have added my grandma or my mom as my friend. i would just pretend like i lost the password to my account so i can't sign on or something

  6. nah i would probably do the same thing ur doin.  that would sure as h**l bug me too.  ur not over reacting.  and nah granny should not have done that.

  7. thats pretty weird for your grandma to add your freinds i can see where your coming from

  8. what's the big deal? I seriously wouldn't care. If my friend and grandma wanted to be friends (assuming my grandma was even able to use a computer. lol) who cares? It's kinda strange, yes, but it's not really a big deal. I'm 18. If my mom got a myspace for whatever reason (I rarely use facebook), I'd add her. It's not like I really have much on there that I don't want her to know. Maybe you shouldn't be posting certain things on public websites?

  9. I just wanted to see the pictures of Muskoka!


    I'll delete her now.  

  10. I wouldnt like this but i have my mom on facebook and she stays out of my buisness ask your mom and grandma to give you your privacy and space ! thats what i would do and just ask your friend to delete your grandma! :D

    Good Luck

  11. she shouldn't habe done that it dosnt sound like she respects ur thoughts cuz if she did she would take ur friend off her list. I would talk to her and ur frend about it and tell them how u feel then most likely they won't be trends on facebook anymore.

    Good luck!!;)

  12. id be pissed

    no you have a right to act this way


  13. To me your overreacting to a vague situation. And does  it really matter who did who  along as its not my space. Grandma sounds like she taking it better than you

  14. How would you feel if your mom / grandma added your friends (If you're a teenager ) ? - I would feel bad too, I mean, they're YOUR friends, not theirs. But I wouldn't worry about it. Just add your grandma and moms friends. L.O.L. Just kindly ask your grandma to remove them.

    Do you think I'm over reacting ? - not really, I'm sure most kids would do the same things in that situation.

    Do you think my grandma should've done that ? - Well, not really. But maybe your grandma just wants more contacts!

    PS- Ca I have your facebook!

  15. i would go crazy and shout at them

  16. I think theres a possibility you were overreacting, however i understand because my dad and i had the exact same issue. i was really pissed he got a facebook and was stalking me and all, so i told him to butt out and stop being so nosy with my business and my friends. he got frustrated, and then i blocked him as a friend entirely to avoid trouble. you can change the privacy settings on facebook fyi, that way you can limit what she can or can't see, or rather delete/block her entirely if you'd like. i think she's trying to be hip and cool so she can connect with you but isn't aware that it isn't a good idea and is upsetting you. i'm sure she had good intentions... but i would be very annoyed if that happened to me. hopefully this helped

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