
My family is looking for a medium sized multi-color dog that doesn't shed?

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A good family dog if possible. Um, if it's not a multi-color breed, its ok. We just need a dog that does not shed and we dont like them really big or really small




  1. Okay, first off Shih Tzus are small.  A Standard Schnauzer is medium and sheds very little as are Wheaton Terriers (both are considered non-shedding).

    Boxers fit this size and most do not shed very much.  Mine hardly shed at all.  It is great.

    Labradoodles and Goldendoodles need to be at least 75% Poodle to not shed.  They still will shed a little.  However, they are also typically larger dogs at 60lbs+, many going in excess of 80lbs.  

  2. all dogs shed.  go to to look at real breeds not the stupid malti-poo schnoodle mixes that people try to pass off as real breeds.  Or you can go to the pound/shelter (look on to find a mutt.  

    ADD:  doglover is talking about the mixes I told you, they are mutts and so there is no possible way to predict how your dog would turn out.  There are some that shed like labs and goldens, and there are some that don't shed, its all about luck.  Mutts have no standard so you have NO  idea how they will turn out both looks and temperament wise. and yes all dogs do shed.

  3. Cocker Spainels are good family pets. They do not shed loads but some need to be taken to a groomer every 3 months. They come in different colours:   Black, Black and White, Blue roan, Tan and Tan and White. If you google cocker spaniel breeders you can find lots.  

  4. ALL dogs shed. So if you can't handle shedding then you can't handle a dog. I know that poodles don't shed a lot.  

  5. how bout a keeshound they are so0o cute and DIFFERENT and are pure breed dogs.... they love kids and being around people...this type of dog only sheds once a year too which is good for a dog cause most dogs are shedding all over the place... and they can be either black and white or brown and more thing is that a keeshound is around ur knees (considered a medium sized dog)...well hope u have fun with watever dog u pick=D

  6. Shih-tzu's are medium i would consider, they're in the toy category, but they get up to what most would consider a bigs dogs knees.

  7. all dogs shed some more than others... poodles dont' shed much.

    great family dogs are cogis and beagles... low hair. medium sizes

  8. How about a beagle?  They are medium sized dogs with multi color(tri colored), they don't shed that often and they are great with the children and family.

  9. All dogs shed.  Some shed less than others.  The ones that shed less require frequent trips to a professional groomer.

  10. Labradoodle or Goldendoodles are nice dogs and don`t shed

  11. Check out the Airedale terrier. They shed less than most other dogs, are playful, and are black and tan A friend of mine had one (named Airehead) for the same reasons as you.  

  12. red leopard cataholla.

  13. Unless you get a hairless dog all dogs are going to shed.  Some do shed significnatly less than say your typical golden like a poodle which comes in three diffrent sizes but they're typically 1 solid color.

    Low shed dogs are those that are "wire-coated", their coat has a consistancy closer to hair than fur.  Many terriers have this feature but you can also find dogs in other groups like a wire coated vizsla which is a sporting dog. There are a lot of herding dogs that are low shed too.  Puli's have dred lock coats and shed little as well.

    Keep in mind that most breed that are low shed also have high grooming requirements and may require a professional to groom your dog as frequently as on a monthly basis.

    Edit:  Corgi's can shed something aweful, I used to walk one and the owners had to vacuum the fur up on a daily basis, you'd pet the thing and hairs would be flying off and there would always be fur balls floating around the wood floor.


  15. I recently adopted a Louisiana Catahula, she has five colors and she does not shed a lot.  Her height will be about 22" and her weight about 60 lbs.

    She is 4 months and we have managed to train her fairly easy to go outside, sleep in her crate, sit and laydown.  Very good dog.

    Good Luck

  16. The only non-shedding dog breeds are the hairless breeds. If you want medium sized, consider a Xoloitzcuintli.

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