
My family is simply!

by  |  earlier

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My parents are weird and embarrassing. Yeah, all parents are. But they make me go places with them and NEVER let me sleep in. And summer is almost over! They bang on the walls to wake me up, sometimes at 7 in the morning, but usually around 9. They don't even have any friends. They say, oh there's no nice people around here. Well they never get out and look for nice people! They harass me to spend time with them, I'm 15 and pretty much want nothing to do with them. They are so rude and judgemental about other people, judging my friends and even random people they don't know. They blame me for everything and even call me fat, which I'm not. They keep being nosy and trying to but into my life and I know its not because they care. Half the time they say they just wish I was gone but they STILL make me go dumb places with them, even walmart. Every weekend they say we have to go somewhere as a family, including my insane younger sister who is always mean and bratty. She fights not to go places and all she does is watch TV and go on the computer and she never gets in trouble for it but I do. And if I say I feel bad and don't want to go somewhere they say we aren't a family and they're going to send us to a foster home and get divorced. It's horrible and I'm so sick of it. I basically try to find something to do every weekend just to get away from them, but my mom doesn't work so she's always bugging me. I have no way to get away from them. I just wish I had a better family. Most of my friends live far away so it's hard to see them all the time so I can't always go somewhere. Sometimes I go out for a walk but there's really nowhere to walk to; and they always make me ride my bike. They even put an odometer to see how far I went because they think I'm fat!!! ):

How can I make it stop? I've tried talking to them, but it always ends up in a fight with them threatening to take away my cell, computer, and TV and force me to exercise.

My dad has even threatend to "download my text messages online" to see what I'm up to. Is that even possible?!!! They keep saying I'm too distant and I need to see a therapist but how can anyone want to be close to people like them?! ): I can't stand how nosy and mean they are, and they don't even care.

Is there anything I can do to find a better place to be? Or someone I can call to make them be better parents?

Does anyone have a similar situation?

Thank you.




  1. Wow. Thats a lot of problems. Well first of all who do you talk to about these things? Your parents have no right to put you down and call you fat. Even if your not they shouldn't say that.

    Your right they control your whole life. I mean I never heard of a parent putting a odometer on a bike to see how far their kid went!  My parents are somewhat like yours only not that controlive . They also wake my up early and on my summer vacation.

    I think what you need to do is get away. Is there some family member you can go to stay at their house? I know how hard it is to get a parent to listen. If you act out you will only get them angrier. But I'm sure they care about you. But maybe you need some time away from them.

    They have to start listening to what you say. I think they are the ones who need a therapist.

  2. This doesn't like fun. Well, I don't know to what extend I can help you, but here goes. For now you're still a minor, and it's their house, their rules, I know this can suck at times, but that's the way it is. Suck it up for a few years until you leave. For now just mind your own business, don't get into it with them, if they threaten you to divorce because you feel sick and don't want to go anywhere, well let them be, don't go. If it will ever come to divorce, it will certainly not be your fault! They won't be able to just give you up to a foster home, it's not the way it works, it's a long and hard process.

    I used to get in horrible fights with my mother when I was younger, it was pretty bad, we found common grounds and both of us do efforts towards each other. Now it's MUCH better, although it can still hapen we fight, I'm rarely home, I work, go out, see friends, stay at my boyfriend's during the week-end, my mother works, goes out sometimes so we rarely see each other.

    For now you're still young, you have to comply with what they tell you, but as soon as you're ready to go to college, move out, it will be over and the relationship with them might become more positive than it's now. And no, I don't think I would be able to live in those conditions.

    I know what I said might of not been very helpful, but that's the only advice I can give you for now. Try calling a childrens hotline, I have no idea where you live and what are the laws, they could probably help you. They seem to  be mentally/psychologically abusive to you, you could maybe complain to child services, they could also help you, going in person to their offices could be a good idea, sit down with someone that works there and explain your situation. Or you can find a social worker at school and talk to him/her about it.

    You're parents are obviously not happy, and no matter what you say or do or no matter what hapens to them they put the blame on you.

    And no, they can't download text messages online or whatever.

  3. look my mum was like that too, and my dad is starting. they were divorced when i was very little, and they all thought i was depressed, but the truth was i was being abused by my mum. the best thing to do is to go to a  therapist. they are completely neutral and don't judge. there job is to help you. they helped resolve allot of problems, and they helped me get away from the whole mum kicks the S**t out of me. just make sure you get a good one. you can actually get a therapist through insurance i think.

  4. I went through pretty much the same thing when I was that age.  You have to sit down and discuss these things with your parents.  Mostly, it was my ex-stepfathers doing when I was going through this.  If you feel that you're parents and you are simply not communicating, then see if you can get a third party - an adult family member, a school counselor, your pastor from church, etc.  Do not be dis-respectfull to your parents as it will only make matters worse.  If you can not stand that your parents are doing this, you need to seek help for them and with them.  

    If you do sit around in front of the tv and computer all day...GET OUTSIDE.  Take your younger siblings down to the local park, or even run around your backyard.  Do what you can to avoid a conflict until this matter gets resolved, even if that does mean you have to be removed from the house.  This is why I suggest you get a third party involved so that steps can be taken to either make the situation better between you and your parents, or having you stay with a friends family or other.  Good luck and my heart goes out to you.

  5. woww... im sorry.

    i wouldnt be able to stand that. i envy your tolerance.

    & yer parents need to f**k off if they call you fat! thats just not right. talk about ripping down someones self esteem. they are the ones who need therapy, how to treat their daughter. a** holes.

  6. I know how you feel family can be a pain sometimes. Its like no matter how good you try to do for them or whatever it can be a living h**l. I'm in my twenties and I get treated like a 15 year old. It doesn't make sense. I never drank,did drugs or give them any reason to worry about me and still get treated like s***. I guess everybody has a dysfunctional family in a way.

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