
My family is taking a plane to New York City && I'm terrified about going.?

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We are leaving in a few days for NYC. They are going to have to take a plane && they really want me to go with them. I want to go myself, but I don't want to fly. Everything that could go wrong on a flight I think is going to go wrong. I just have a fear about the plane crashing && all of us dying on the plane. Can anyone give me tips or help me to get over that??




  1. Plane crashes are extremely rare.  The crew is highly trained and should know what to do in any given circumstance.  Airlines also must follow strict guidelines to keep their aircraft airworthy.  Look past the flight and think about all the different sights you will be able to see in New York when you arrive.

    If you are still scared, bring a book to read, listen to music, talk to your family members while on the flight.  Do whatever you need to take your mind off of being frightened.

  2. when i first flew to ireland I was really freaked out too.  and I prayed that everything would go smoothly.  ANd IT DID!!  it would be best to think slowly, and clam down.   and it would be sad to miss out on going to NYC so I really think you should go with them. it also might help if you had some music on your ipod to calm you down.  A BIG ONE---- STAY POSITIVE!!

  3. don't overthink the situation and just think positive thoughts. the flight will be over before you know it =]

  4. How long is the flight? The longer the flight the bigger the jet. I find the larger the plane, the better to calm fears. Why? Because besides take-offs and landings, once your pilot has leveled off, you don't know your in the air unless you look out a window. Think of it as a bus ride on a very smooth highway. Only the odd bump.

    See if this helps, you may wish to print this portion out and firmly plant it in your head. I give away a CD with every visit to my website that I know would be very helpful, but you probably don't have enough time to receive it before you leave.

    Think of the emotions that are stirred up as you think about taking this flight. Can you just WELCOME those thoughts and feelings in this moment, just could you?  

    Then ask yourself these 3 questions:

    1) Could you let those thought and feelings GO, just could you?

    2)Would You?

    3) When?

    Just repeat this process until those thoughts & feelings get weaker. Remember this, their is no wrong answer. Meaning if you can't welcome those thoughts and/or feelings, or you can't let them go, just be honest. But keep repeating this process over and over and see what happens.

    Hope this helps.

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